It's on!

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I had to wait for another two days to fully recover from the hangover. Most of that time was spent in my bedroom, mindlessly playing games on my phone. Surprisingly, I discovered that I had a knack for managing virtual restaurants, breezing through over 100 levels within a mere 15 hours on some random app. As if that wasn't enough, I even entertained the idea of participating in an online poker tournament. Who knew, right?

During those two days, I deliberately avoided opening any social media apps. Despite my sincere addiction to scrolling through endless feeds, I simply couldn't deal with all the noise and drama at that moment. To add to that, I purposely ignored messages from all my friends except for Tamah and James. I felt obliged to let them know I was alive and well, amidst my self-imposed seclusion.

My dad, ever the persistent one, attempted to lure me out of my room with the promise of watching Queer Eye for what seemed like the tenth time since its release. Well, I'm never one to turn down a good Queer Eye marathon, so I reluctantly emerged from my lair and indulged in my dad's homemade snacks. Cookies, popcorn, cake, and fried plantains disappeared into my eager mouth as I tried to forget the disaster that was the party.

"Do you really want to spend the beginning of summer moping in your bed?" My mom's voice interrupted my solitary sanctuary after I had ignored her incessant knocking for the fifth time.

"Mum, privacy, please?!"

"My dear, I knocked several times out of worry. I usually wait for your response, but your behavior is far from usual. Your dad and I are genuinely concerned that this situation may have affected you more than we initially thought."

"Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it. I just feel down, but I might head to the gym and take a few laps in the pool to clear my head."

"Please do, honey. Clear your head and find some peace. Remember, we all have bad days, and we're allowed to have as many as we want. But it's up to you to break the cycle." My dad suddenly appeared by my mom's side, his presence revealing that he had been eavesdropping by the door while my mom spoke. "Your mother and I will be leaving for work in 30 minutes. Breakfast is ready on the table, your swimming gear is still in the laundry room, and there are new pool towels in our dressing room." He smiled, took my mom's hand, and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. "Bye, dear. We'll be home a bit late today. It's date night." My mom giggled.

Giggling adults are just... weird.

After devouring the delicious waffles my parents had prepared for breakfast, I packed my gym bag, hopped into my car, and drove straight to the gym. I texted James to see if he wanted to join me since Tamah was busy helping her sister run some errands, but he hadn't replied yet.

Swimming has always been a calming hobby of mine, providing a much-needed respite from the chaos of life. It seemed like the perfect activity to restore my sense of normalcy. Besides, can't a girl take a break from everything and just hide in her room in peace? I may not be the most introverted person, but I do cherish my alone time.

After squeezing myself into my swimsuit, I wasted no time and dove into the pool. With each stroke, the weight of stress began to lift from my shoulders. Relief washed over me as I completed my second lap. After ten more laps, it felt like the embarrassing incident that had haunted me for a week had all but disappeared.

Emerging from the pool after another five laps, I made my way to the currently empty dressing room, conveniently located next to the showers. As I began to undress, halfway out of my still-damp sports swimsuit, the door swung open, and three girls walked in. I muttered a brief welcome but didn't look up, focusing on the task of freeing myself from the clingy swimsuit.


I glanced up and froze. Completely naked. Swimsuit still entangled around one of my legs.

Of all the possible encounters, it had to be her – Lisa Channing, Jacob Reed's on-off girlfriend.

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