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"Don't say it. Please"

The ride towards home felt like hours, and after the 20th glance, I spoke up.

"Just fucking don't!"

James opened and closed his mouth several times while glancing into my direction.

"I told you."

"What about I just said came out in the way that you obviously didn't understand?"

"Well, between your hiccups, a lot of snot running down your noes and your devastating sobs, I wasn't able to hear you properly. But your snotty face is cute, though."

I snorted while trying not to laugh, and a big snot drop made it towards James's hand. We both stared at it, while the jelly-like liquid started running down the side of his hand.

"That is rather disgusting, Vi."

And with this we both started laughing and James rubbed is hand on his cargos. As they were light brown, the stain was pretty visible.

"That is going to get crusty." 

"Thanks for the information, next time I will rub it on to you."

"It's not my fault that you don't have tissues."

"Oh, so now it's my fault that you plastered my hand with snot?"

"Of course it is. You always have this kind of stuff with you."

"Yeah, well.... Sorry, I guess?"

I was smiling at him. Me crying over Jacob Reed made me feel awkward. I didn't even really know that fucker, and I was already crying over him.

"Thanks, James. I don't know what's wrong with me. Crying my eyes out over an obvious fuck boy."

"I told you."

"Yeeehees, I got it, alright? No need to rub it in."

"Rub it in like your snot in to my cargos, you mean?"

"Oh, shut up." 

I was giggling again. What is wrong with me? I mean, seriously, did I really think Jacob and I will be together after that moment at the lake? That we have somewhat of a connection? That he actually likes me?

"Seems like you thought that."


"It seems like you thought all that."

"Are you reading my mind now?" I was sincerely flustered.

"No, you were talking to me."

What is wrong with me?

"Those were private thoughts, James."

"Woman, what is it with you. I thought you were talking to me, so how am I supposed to know?"

"You should."

James was letting out a frustrated sigh, tightening both of his hands around the steering wheel.

"Sometimes, just sometimes, you are kind of frustrating."

"Oh, am I now?"

My sadness turned into anger now, and I know it was unfair to guide it towards James. But I couldn't help it. This fucking Jacob Reed, invading my mind and heart within the course of three weeks, without any communication between us, besides hooking up, some weird ass text messages and an almost kiss, was getting on my nerves so hard. I just couldn't help it.

"You are the one who is kind of frustrating."

James didn't answer. He was staring at the road ahead of us and moved his hands towards the radio, to put on some music. To get over this awkward silence, I guess. I switched it off as soon as he found a radio station with our kind of music playing.

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