side character.

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Dropping off my parents at the airport left me with an uneasy feeling. This would be the first summer break without them, and it felt strange. Even when I attended boarding school, I always saw my parents during breaks. Now I would be alone for four weeks, responsible for everything in the house. As my dad handed me his self-made cooking folder with a proud smile on his face, we both knew I would probably end up at James's house, where the private chef took care of lunch and dinner. Bless the super-rich.

Before I made any plans with James for the upcoming weeks, I had to address the "off-limits" issue that Jacob brought up earlier today.

Since our fight this afternoon, James hadn't replied to any of my messages. Things had already been bad between us, so adding another layer to the fight might be a poor decision. Despite my hesitation, I grabbed my keys and packed an overnight bag, just in case. I hopped on my bike and headed over to James's place. I thought a level-headed discussion was necessary, and riding my bike would help clear my head. I also had an underlying fear of accidentally running into Mrs. Watson if the situation escalates again. The weather forecast predicted rain later, but I was pretty confident I would end up staying there anyway.

When I pulled up to James's house, I clicked the button on my remote to open the gate. It was a security measure that automatically closed at night, ensuring privacy and safety. As I made my way into the front courtyard, something caught my eye—a sleek, unfamiliar car occupying my usual parking spot, right next to James's trusty Jeep. Did James have company? Perhaps a new staff member? But considering the late hour, it seemed more plausible that this was a friend paying him a visit. Perhaps a girl? The thought sent a tiny spark of jealousy coursing through my veins.

Standing in front of the door, I debated whether to ring the bell or just let myself in as usual. After a moment's hesitation, I decided to go for it—I didn't want to disrupt any potentially spicy situation that might be unfolding inside. I mean, I'd never actually seen James with a girl before, but who knows? Maybe he had reactivated his dating apps or something. Not that he needed them, mind you. But the idea of James being intimate with someone else, while harboring some feelings for me, stirred an uncomfortable twinge in my heart. I couldn't quite explain it; I had no right to feel that way. With a sigh, I pressed the doorbell.

As I was about to punch in the door code, the door swung open. And there stood James, dripping wet, wrapped in a towel that hung oh-so-low around his hips. I couldn't help but stare, though I knew it probably came across as less confident than Jacob's gaze earlier today.

If there was a chance for me to die and come back, I would definitely choose to return as a man—specifically, a man with James Iverson's body. I mean, I've seen James shirtless plenty of times, but seeing him in the doorway, wearing just a towel, with only a towel and those hooded eyes... well, it took things to a whole new level. I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly as dry as a desert.

What is wrong with me? Get it together, girl. This is just James we're talking about. Well, James with a only a towel on. First, Jacob had me all confused, and now James is doing a number on my hormones.

"My eyes are up here, Vi," he chuckled. "I planned to still be angry with you, but you ogling me is making it a bit awkward."

"I, uh, well. I'm still angry. Can I come in, or what?" I croaked, trying to maintain eye contact. Please, dear eyes, don't wander.

"It's bad timing right now, Vi. I, um, have someone over, you know?"

"Who is it? I can wait. I planned on staying over anyway. My parents left for Italy earlier than expected."

"I know. They texted me about making sure you don't starve yourself to death."

"It was Dad, right?"

"Yep." He emphasized the 'p', as if annoyed at my dad reaching out to him.

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