Chapter 12

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Her eyelids opened only to see a closed eyed beast. He looked far from peaceful even in his sleep. His slightly furrowed eyebrows made her think of him as a person who even slept in doubt. He hadn't touched her after sex nor tried to cuddle her like loving husband and wife do. She was thankful to the least. It was enough he made her miserable during their intercourse to be staying in touch after.
She kept staring at him, hoping him to open into pieces he was made of, thinking if her staring could decipher him, he would have been the easiest puzzle she ever solved. She learnt how his nose gently flared as he breathed, how his chest moved in a rhythm, how his biceps held his head as he slept like an alert guard on night duty. There was no doubt he looked like a sinful God from the outwardly planet. No way in the world had she ever expected a man so handsome to bed her. It was impossible to even think of a man like him in her life. She had never seen such perfection of manly features in anyone. Too bad he was a don, too sad he wasn't as loving or caring to match his godly features, too inconvenient of him to not feel as deeply as his manhood did inside her. Why had he chose her was still a mystery. No matter how inherently dangerous and deleterious he was, he was still a man of power and fame, there had to be indeed plethora of women behind him and yet...yet he had married her. She had no expectations from him, for all that mattered, she hoped for him to have an affair outside. Atleast his stamina and attention would be divided.
"Quit staring" His groggy sleepy voice brought her back to senses. She flushed at his consciousness even with his eyes closed. She tightened her hold on the blanket wrapped around her body and slowly got off the bed. She noticed him still close eyed, but aware.

Didn't he have somewhere to be?

Entering the bathroom she closed the door behind her. Brushing her teeth she freshened herself up and entered the shower. Adjusting the temperature for as hot as it could get, she sighed relaxing her muscles. In the mirror of their bathroom she noticed how her ass had turned red from his spanking. Even her breasts had become tender from his constant fondling.

She had always been self conscious of how her body had turned out to be a socially unacceptable disappointment. She had half expected her husband to not pay her attention for how small her breasts were or how less plumpness her bottom offered. Donavan didn't seem to care though. He dissolved all her insecurities as if they never existed, he used her like he found her attractive in just the way she was. She still wasn't convinced though. There had to be a catch. He had to have an intention she was yet to take notice of and impregnanting her wasn't just the one.
There's more to what meets the eye.
During her meandering through her chaotic mind palace she failed to take notice of when the door of bathroom was turned opened, when he stared at his work on her ass, when he stepped towards her in menacing steps or when his hand reached to her waist to feel her skin.
When an arm snaked around her body she screamed to the top of her lungs shocked at the foreign limb on her skin. His other hand muffled her cries by closing on her mouth.
"Shhh...." He mused in her ears calming her. His still heavy morning voice left goosebumps on their wake, awakening emotions she wasn't yet used to. His hand moved upwards, holding both of her breasts in single hold. Her aberrant breathing took wild turns as he pushed her dark wet hair on the other side of her head dipping his nose in the crook of her neck. So unlike his hard and chiseled personality, his hands roamed on her breasts as if stroking a delicate flower, as if they had a mind of their own and they knew how softly breasts were supposed to be fondled. Contrasting to her pussy which he thought was ought to be punished. He had left not a single opportunity to smack it and thrust brutally inside as if it had been the cause of it all.
"Isn't water too hot?" He whispered in the small cave formed in her neck, blindly guiding his hand on the control tap, turning it in swift motion to cold. She flinched as the cold water suddenly hit her senses, shivering her to the bones. She sensed when he grew uncomfortable from having to bend down to her height to kiss her nape. In a swift motion she was picked up and pushed against the wall. She was sure to get used to getting picked up like a child in matter of days.
"Better" he whispered before kissing her into heaven. Taken aback by her core she kept her hands on his shoulders meekly pushing him as a
reply to which, he pulled her thighs even closer to his body ensuring she felt just how hard it was. It was crystal clear what was coming. She wasn't surprised when he penetrated her nor was she taken aback when she came far before he did. He took it upon himself to set her on every possible corner of their washroom and prove how orgasm was achieved regardless of the place, time and discomfort.

Just before she thought she couldn't cum anymore he showed her the moon and stars. She stopped feeling the coldness of water long ago. Writhing in pleasure she came with her legs spread, as he stood in between them, her back touched the stellar mirror on their washbasin. Finally when he released inside her, he stepped back, watching intensely as his semen flowed out of her pussy. Tired she rested her head back on the mirror, letting her legs limp as he held them apart on basin. His hand reached to her vagina pushing his semen back inside her. His eyes found hers.
"You want to see the house?" He asked, not sounding a bit exhausted.
"Yes" she barely whispered.
"Get ready then" he ordered leaving the bathroom without giving her a second look.
Author's note: We just hit 173 reads today in only 10 days of starting the book. I have no idea what to say.

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