Chapter 22

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Her hand shook as she picked up the phone. Letting it touch her ear she listened to the silence on the other side. It reminded her of the time he had first called her. That whole night replayed in her head. She only wished that tonight wont be the repeat telecast of the horrible memories she had so carefully buried inside the darkest part of her mind. Her lower region painfully throbbed at the reminiscence.

He breathed through, not seeming in a hurry to talk, as if the phone calls weren't invented to communicate in the first place. If he wanted to use this call to inject terror in her blood without his presence, he was successful in seconds. Like a poison that took long time to leave the body his terror stayed, not letting her heart beat slow down for a second.
"What are you doing?" He asked from somewhere far beyond. His thick Italian accent reverberated with a tang of sleepiness. It was the first time he ever sounded sleepy. As much as she strained, imagining him tired was difficult. She tried but couldn't fathom his physique exhausted, of all she knew he could never be that.
She mumbled a quick 'nothing' unable to grasp the purpose of this call.
"I was thinking about you" he acknowledged, more to himself than her.
Her brows furrowed at that.
Is he drunk?
Confusion was the first emotion that seeped through her veins before dread took over. There was absolutely nothing optimistic about him thinking about her for all it meant, was another night of his atrocity.
"I was-" he stopped midway between his sentence, taking a good pause, revisiting his decisions. After a minute or so of deep thinking Tara went low on her sanity. Her already speeding heart felt out of rhythm in the fragile cage of her chest. With each passing second she expected something worse for him to say. Afterall there was nothing  rosy to be expected from him. Her thinning patience was finally met with his words that took her breathe away. And not in a good way.
"Pack your bags"
She released her breathe, sighing at the absurd demand. She was no way in a condition to move out of the four walls of his prison.
She questioned her life as she did the infinite times before. What came back however was a well deserved silence, from her destiny, from her future.
A chaotic hurricane of questions rustled in her mind. Wherever he was planning to take her she didn't want to go. Being with this man was crossing the level of intimidation each day. He was the last person she wanted to go anywhere with.
Before she could utter another word he made the next demand.
"Ron would pick you up 9 in the morning." She was about to ask who the hell Ron was before he already disconnected the line. She simply remained seated on the bed, looking out the window. Like a before sleep habit in the frantino mansion she fell asleep figuring out where exactly did her life go wrong.

"Who is Ron" Tara questioned Sia as she helped organizing her mistress' clothes inside the suitcase.
Sia looked up from the bag to her mistress. Her knitted eyebrows adored her round face for few seconds, wondering how lack on knowledge Mrs. Frantino was on. "He's Don's driver" she muttered as a matter of factly.
"Oh" Tara sighed. She was glad Sia had come to her rescue. Apparently she was informed about Tara's leave. Sia single handedly packed everything for her. From what it looked like, it was supposed to be 7 day gateway.
The first thing Tara did after waking up was downloading important articles she needed to read to write her thesis about and mail her colleagues to communicate in text rather than calls.
Not that she already avoided calls as much as she could. She knew Donavan would not like it. His privacy mattered to him more than his life. She was not to be the reason of its breach.

She didn't wonder where she was going. No curiosity had left in her for all that she cared for was distance...between  him and her. And now that it was going to be lost, she worried about herself. Her sourness did not forget to remind her of its fragility, of his rough ways she hoped to not ever become the victim of. Before she reached the main door of mansion her bags were already settled inside the stellar black shining limo. Don had indeed tried to be specific with her.
A large tall black man politely opened the door for her. Even though he portrayed nothing but respect for his Donna, if he wished, he could crush her skull in a grip.
But he wouldn't.
She couldn't help but ask him out of curiosity, "are you Ron?"
His eyes slightly dilated at the unexpected attention by Tara. Taken aback he processed her words before using the softest tone he could speak into,
"Yes...Mrs frantino"
Tara politely smiled at the giant man. He gave out the strange sense of security. she rarely caught from people in mafia. While his physique spoke for his terrorizing area of work, his odd body language remained respectful and alert. Knowing her husband thought well of her safety she got inside.
The remnants of her soft smile visibly evaporated as she saw the already seated man at the far end of the limo. Dominic looked up from his phone to meet his cousin in law's puppy eyes. It always both amused and irritated him how she always remained afraid and distant. He wasn't used to women trying to avoid him, quiet the opposite. He never asked for it but this woman...this woman was making him.

There was no doubt he wanted to have her. If it wasn't for her being the Don's wife, he'd have already exploited her his way. He internally tsked at his luck.

Too bad you're taken sweetheart.

He loathed Donavan for owning everything he very well deserved.

first the position of Don and now the whore.

The little woman was another possession he was not allowed to devour for the reason that it was already owned by his elder cousin,  Donavan. The woman was plain, not attractive to the eyes who looked only for a good fuck. What he looked for however was the fire, he was sure that must have been something Donavan looked for too.
She had the fire that dialed his attention. No matter how innocent and naive she appeared to the untrained, she was more to what she wanted to be. He wanted her for her fire. And if that wasn't enough, he wanted her because Don had her.
The forbidden nature of their relationship was tempting. Dominic watched from his corner as she tried to stay calm and mind her business. He would have pounced on her right at the moment if Ron hadn't been the one driving. Don was smart in keeping his wife with the man he trusted with his life.
Too bad I'd have to do you in bed than this car
Dominic mused to himself.
She was adamant on ignoring him. Not once did her gaze even accidently crossed him. He hated it. He hated a woman so mediocre disregarding the presence of the most desirable Bachelorette in the country. Her arrogance tempted him more. He wondered where she'll fit her arrogance when he'll fill her with himself. It was pre-decided, married or not he'd have her. A smirk played on his dimple.

Everything in its own time.

He had noticed how she walked with a hitch to the limo. He knew when women  walked like that. A full blown smile spread on his face at the thought of leaving her weak in the knees. Just this time it'd be because of him and not the don.

He had planned to have her once, but after knowing her secret that could ruin her entire life, he could have her for as many times he wished.

Everything in its own time

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