Chapter 3:

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3rd Person POV

We see Ayanokoji and Ryuuen running in the dark long alleyway leading to Keyaki Mall, A few Infected showed up blocking their way, Ryuuen smirk while readying his bat while Ayanokoji just stare at the infected while slowly unshetting one of his four knives, when they got closer to the Infected, Ayanokoji throws his knife to one of them accurately to the neck killing it an instant, while Ryuuen on the other bash his bat to an infected, sending it to head flying across the alley

"They just keep on coming" Ayanokoji whispered to Ryuuen, where Ryuuen nodded

"Kuku I must Say when we Got into Keyaki mall after this alley, there's going to be chaos," Ryuuen said in an excited Tone, Ayanokoji just sigh because of his behavior, Ayanokoji took his knife from the infected student's neck and keep on walking, Ryuuen just frowned and look at the infected Ayanokoji killed

"Kuku You killed one of my classmates without batting an eye huh," Ryuuen asks Ayanokoji

"So he's one of your classmates, huh, that explains your expression before" Ayanokoji answered

"Let us just Find Hiyori and make sure she's safe," Ryuuen said in a worried tone and started running leaving Ayanokoji in his thoughts

Ayanokoji just sigh and just run after Ryuuen who surprisingly still active after all the activities he's been doing since morning

Ayanokoji POV

I running behind Ryuuen right now in a dark alleyway leading to Keyaki mall, while trying to find Hiyori who went missing when his Group, Ishiziaki, Ibuki, And Albert reported to him

Not Gonna Lie I'm worried for her, That why I and Ryuuen were in here right now, I keep on running till I heard screams of people in my front and a beaming light blinded my eye for a second, when I opened them again I see myself just about to go out of the Alley, I found Ryuuen Hiding behind one of the TrashCan, I also went there to hide myself

"Now we're here, and yeah Chaos itself," Ryuuen said to me, he's not in the slightest wrong, I peeked and saw some infected running and students alike, screaming of people and some gunshots heard, We just need to go past Keyaki Mall and were about to the School were Hiyori most likely going to be in, The School's Library

"Were splitting up, lets's just make sure to group up again in the School" I said to Ryuuen who just nodded to me

We were about to move when it started raining, I look up and saw one rain that was just a weak shower turn into a strong downpour, wetting my shoes and clothes and making my way slippery

Ryuuen lift earlier than I imagined after I look back down and noticed I was left alone in here behind a trashcan

I was waiting for timing when to go out, as I was waiting for my hearing seemed to be much weaker in getting footsteps now because of the rain, I was about to Run when someone suddenly appeared behind me

In instant, I took my knife and Aim it at the head to be ready to kill when I hesitated that the person was just Horikita

"Can you put down that Knife Ayanokoji-kun?" Horikita told me with a hint of fear in her cold tone, I brought down my knife and apologize for almost killing her

"No Don't Apologize it is my fault I sneak in on you," She said to me in an apologetic tone

"Oh I see" I replied and proceeded to hide behind the trashcan again

"Why are you in here, there are a lot of things out there?" She asked me while also hiding behind me

"And then why are you here Horikita," I ask her back a question

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