Chapter 7:

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3rd Person POV

In the dark, senile basement-like room, Professor Ayanokoji and his former ally, Vladimir Makarov were seen

Professor Ayanokoji seating in a straped metal chair with a focus light directly above him, and Makarov walking around him with his hand behind his back

"So, Professor Ayanokoji, what all of this about"

"What do you mean?"

"This farce, I mean"

The Professor frowned, he knew that among the people that fear him, Makarov it the only one with the guts to fight him

"You do know that releasing this Green Flu will only lead to destruction, right?"

"Of course I knew, that's my intention"

"Oh really, I guess you are not that ruthless as I thought"

Professor's expression changed into an angered one in an instant

"Shut the f up Makarov, how did you even know that virus"

"Oh, you still don't get it"

Makarov stop in his circling and looked at Professor's cold, sharp eye's directly

"I, found it, your whiteroom branch here in Russia. I was kinda surprised that you experiment on children, so this is the reason you broke our contract huh"

"You found out, so what. I already spread it across japan"

"Actually no, the government was fast enough to prevent the virus from entering Kyoto"

"That maybe is, but what about my other branches"

The professor smirked while Makarov frowned

"I see, so it was doomed after all"

"Yes, my branch from different countries already spread the virus-like wildfire"

" *Sigh* well this was sure interesting"

Makarov then turned around and face the door before walking towards it, he stopped just a few feet away from the door and said something to the Professor

"You gave up huh, Mr. Ayanokoji. You don't want to role the world anymore, but made a new one"

He said and left the room and close the door behind him

Back to ANHS

"Sir all quarantined students were making a ruckus"

A soldier entered the office of his superior and explained the situation

"Calm them down, the next rescue chopper is coming here in a few minutes"

"Also sir, there were some special forces that we encountered on our way here, they seem to be searching for someone"

"What's the description of the person they're looking for?"

"A small petite girl, with lilac hair. She also seems to have a disability and needs a cane to walk"

The Superior looked at his files and found the student the special forces had been looking for

'Sakayanagi Arisu, the leader of Class 2-A and the chairman's daughter huh'

"Do any of our men encounter her?"

"Unfortunately, no. But we also haven't seen an infected look like what the description says, she's maybe hiding"

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