Im Alive Yes

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"That man spoke with a gentle tone that surprised me. 'Kiyotaka, you are born for greatness,' he said.

But wait, this wasn't 'that man.' The tone was too gentle, the touch too smooth. No, this was a different moment.

'I'm sorry, but your mother's death affected me quite a bit,' he continued. 'She was the only one I cared about, and then...'

Now I knew. This was 'that man,' the day he went from broken to unredeemable.

'I'm sorry, Kiyotaka, but this is the only way to ensure I never lose you. Yes, it's quite a gamble, but I don't want to suffer that pain again.'

It all came flooding back to me - the day my supposed mother died, the day I was sent to the White Room for the first time. The memories were vivid and recognizable.

'I'm sorry you have to suffer this fate.'

'Sir, Capsule 401 is in position.'

Oh, right. That was where newly born babies were put for testing.

'Good luck, Kiyotaka,' 'that man' said with a smile. A genuine smile, weird and uncomfortable as it was.

'Subject 401, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji...'

My eyes flew open as the blinding light hit me.

'We've got to go - now!' someone shouted urgently.

'Price, what happened?' I asked.

'I'm still processing things, but both your friends passed out. We need to move fast! Wake them up.'

Looking around, I saw debris scattered and burning. Did we just crash? But how? We were 2500 meters up in the air.

No use thinking about it now. I saw Kamuro and Sakayanagi passed out with their heads bleeding. I pulled Sakayanagi close and handed her to Soap, who had just arrived to help.

'Price and Nikolai are holding the horde just right by the street,' someone said. 'We need to move right now, Ayonokoji. Just carry her. She's bleeding much more than little girl here.'

Looking at Kamuro's injury, I realized that she must have protected Sakayanagi when we crashed. But I couldn't remember anything at all.

"Tango at 12 o'clock, fire!" Bullets flying, bloods spewing around, growls of undead ringing through my ears, I couldn't get my thoughts together.

Carrying Kamuro with my arms, I followed Soap who already sprinted towards the burning Building, looking around the seashore was near, were we going toward the sea?

"Faster Kid!" Running after him, infected in our paths started come back to life, one tried to trip me with his hand but a swift low roundhouse to it's head brought it back to it's death. Arriving to a small apartment, Soap tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Hold her for a sec" Soap tried handing me Sakayanagi, I just looked at him puzzled when he realizes my hands are all full with just Kamuro in my arms, sighing, he put Sakayanagi on it's back to the wall and started breaching the door open with his shoulders

"Faster." I commented after looking back and saw Price and Nikolai running toward our direction while being chase by bunch of infected

"Argh!" with a grunt, Soap breach the door open

"Inside! Inside!" Soap carried Sakayanagi and run inside with me following after, the halls are.. clean, surprisingly, running toward the emergency staircase.

"Let's go kid up the stairs"

"But how about Price and Ni-"

"They can handle themselves, let's move, we already planned a little trick if we get ourselves in this situation"

Looking back, Price and Nikolai was still at the entrance holding the controllable violent horde of infected with just Guns, they're trained mercenary's, I guess they can handle their own, looking straight back ahead, I followed Soap to it's 'Emergency meet-up room' or some kind.

Price POV:

Tens, Hundred, Thousands, theirs no ending to them, I and Nikolai were on our last mags

"Price!! we can't hold them much longer" 9 bullets left, 6 bullets left, 3 bullets left..

"I'm out!"

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