pain and loss

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We all lost someone.
Close or far from us loss is a part of our lives, and a part we can't give up on.
Loss is pain.
And pain is piece of shit, a motherfucker piece of shit.
But someone once told me; " pain only make us stronger." And I believed that.
until the pain became too much for me.

Anastasia pov

I jolt awake and look around me. "S.T.A.R labs?"
I take the blanket off of me and go off  to the kitchen to eat something.
What time is it?
Did I pass out?
What do they know?

After I ate I cleaned up and went back to my home, I'll be here in the morning and everything will be fine

"....Wade eiling," said Dr wells.

"Please don't say his name out loud; it's too sad to see someone so smart using the name of someone so dumb," I say as I walk in.

"Ana? What are you doing outside of bed? When did you even wake up?" Wasked Caitlin, rushing to my side

"Wait, you guys know him?" Asked Barry.

"Yeah, I know him, about ten years ago General Wade eiling contacted S.T.A.R Labs to develop enchanted gene therapies to soldiers, I was interested in the potential of medical benefits for civilian.

General Eiling really wanted to develop mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes.

I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close.

But our split was less than amicable." Answered Dr wells

"He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing, everything but this folder." said Barry and handed Dr wells the folder.

"Well, lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records," said Cisco.

"But our girl's name is Bette sans souci,
An eod specialist for the army." Read to us, Cisco.

"EOD?" Asked Caitlin.
"Bombs." I replied quickly.

"Is there an address?" Asked Barry
"Hold on, here we go, one person in case of emergency: Camron Scott Inglewood." Cisco said as Barry looked at his suit

"Barry, can you hear me?" Asked Cisco slowly.

" There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answering."said Caitlin before yelling, "BARRY?!" Into the speaker.

Not a second later, Barry came rushing in putting a shirt on.

"Don't ask." He said

"I'm gonna ask. Where is my suit?" Cisco looked right at him.

"It's...gone," replied Barry

"What do you mean it's gone? What did you do with my suit?" asked Cisco through gritted teeth.

"It blow up, dude. I managed to get out of it before it went... kaboom."
"My suit went kaboom?"
"Fun fact about Bette sans souci, she's not carrying bombs, she touched the emblem on the suit and it turned into a bomb; she's a Mata human."

"With the ability
to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." Explained Dr wells

"She blow up my suit." Cisco said sadly.

"You have like, three more." Caitlin tried to reason with him.

"OK, I have two, and I loved that one."
"OK, what else do we know about her?" Barry asked

"Oh, I don't know.
She's pure evil.

We're gonna find this girl

And send her butt
into the pipeline.

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