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are the poem I never know how to Write
and this life is the story
I have always wanted to tell
-DyIer Knott

Caitlin pov

I sat on the staircase, still not believing that they blamed Dr. Wells and Anastasia. I mean, they have done nothing but help, didn't they?

"Where is Barry?" asked Eddie as he sat down on the couch.

"He should be here any second I send him out for -" Joe stared only for Barry's entrance to stop him.

"Pizza!" Barry said and put the three pizza trays on the table.

"Wow!" Cisco smiled and walked to the pizza.

"From coast city?" Asked Eddie.

"The best in the west." Barry took off his jacket.

"Why did I not think of this before?" Asked Cisco while he opened a pizza box. "Come to Papa."

"Caitlin?" Joe asked, and I declined him, "I'm not hungry."

"Okay, six months of investigating Harrison wells and one month of Anastasia Volkov has led us to nowhere.
So we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out." Joe said and walked closer.

"What does that mean?" Asked Eddie.

"Road trip, baby." Cisco smiled.

"Joe and Cisco will go to starling city, and we will try our best to try to find something about Ana's childhood," Barry explained.

"Starling city, what for?" I asked.

"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago.
And to try to find out more about Anastasia."

"I... I don't understand. Why?"

"Dr. McGee said after Wells's accident, he became like a stranger, just a different person entirely," Barry explained.

"Because the love of his life died?" I suggested. "You of all people can understand how grief can change a person."

"Caitlin, we believe that, Dr wells is the reverse flash and that he killed Barry's mother and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan, we have to find everything we can about that night. See where it leads us." Joe said.

"Oh, um, could you cover for me? With Dr. Wells..." Cisco asked me.

"You mean lie?" I asked him.

"... yeah?"

I couldn't take it anymore. "I need some air," I said and left.

"Caitlin," Barry said, and I left.

Anastasia pov

"... need to see some proof," Caitlin said.

"Proof for what?" I asked as I Leander on the door frame.

Caitlin and Barry were out of words; their next sentence will be a lie. "We may have another meta-human case on our hands." Barry lied.

"Oh, we are always happy to help, Barry, as you know, have you heard from Cisco?
He hasn't arrived yet," Dr wells said.

"Oh, he... he has to help Dante, his brother; he might need a few days off." It was Caitlin's turn to lie.

I walked away angry. How could they lie to me?

"A shapeshifter?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, I saw a grown man like...morph into a teenage girl," Barry answered.

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