the things we stop

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I used to love being sober.
It made me strong, powerful bit now, when I'm not drunk I can feel the sadness and pain, this is all gone when I'm drinking, only when I'm drinking.

Real pain don't go away with a shot, it stays there, it is there. it doesn't stop, but when we think about it what does stop?

Anastasia pov

".... a small token of my gratitude for everything you guys have done for me this year." said Barry as I walked in with five bottles of vodka

"I think I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say you've been a gift for us, Barry." said Dr wells as he accepted the gift Barry gave him.

"What's that?" Asked Caitlin as Barry took out a thermos

"This is compliments of iris.
Grandma Esther's famous eggnog." Barry answered

"That's what I'm talking about." said Cisco happily as I finally placed my bottles on the table

"Maybe later for me. I wouldn't want to drink and drive." said wells as he wheeld away

"Ana?" Asked Barry. "I know that you like drinking, but isn't that like way too much for one person to drink alone?"

I glared at him and opened my first bottle.

"Did I say something wrong?" Asked Barry referring to me and Dr wells

"No," answered Caitlin

"It...ohhh used to be his favorite time of the year, but the accident happened before Christmas, so...kind of ruined the holidays.
And Ana has always been the Grinch since, forever. Every year, she gets like 20 bottles of vodka and drink them all by herself." Cisco explained and threw the lid and hit him right in the forehead.

"I will go get him a present; maybe that will cheer him up." said Caitlin."Thank you very much." 

"So, what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Barry asked us as Caitlin left

"The witness described seeing a yellow blur.
Just like the one that killed Barry's mother." Informed us, Joe

"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho.
This.... I was not trying to give him a name." Cisco said, embarrassed

"The crime scene at mercury labs was on a floor with highly secured vaults.
And the witness said he was looking for something." Barry added

"Whatever it was, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Dr wells said

"Dr, what do you know about this mercury labs?" Asked Joe

"Mercury was one of S.T.A.R. Labs' major
competitors until our little setback...and then it catapulted to the forefront,
led by Dr. Christina McGee,
brilliant but egocentric physicist." said Dr wells.

"Says here, Dr McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote 'prototypes for the technology of the future.'" said Cisco

"Well, I'll be...Tina's messing with tachyons." said Dr wells as Joe looked at him, confused. "Superluminal particles." Explained Dr wells

"Of course." said Joe, "so,  what would someone do with one of those...?" Joe asked forgetting the word, "tachyons." I completed it for him. "Thank you." He asked and looked back at Dr wells.

"Well, I don't know. Become invincible.
If you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could...." Dr wells started as I realized, "travel faster than light." I finished Dr wells sentence.

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