Shadow x Sick Human Reader (School)

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Everyone was quick to welcome the infamous hedgehog to the school. Most were mesmerized and adored him, except me. I didn't understand his hype. Besides, why would he ever be friends with me anyway? I'm too sick to have friends I'd just be a burden.

I was sitting out in gym class, like usual. The doctor told me I was too sick to participate. I didn't really mind anyway. It saves me the trouble of getting pegged with a dodgeball. Well, I didn't mind until a certain hedgehog was told he cannot participate as well, due to his powers. He was told he had to sit by me, to which I groaned at. I didn't want him attracting fan girls over here. They'd probably send me into cardiac arrest, seriously.

I sat in silence and avoided eye contact as the new kid sat beside me. He looked rather miserable himself, but I didn't question it. It's not like I really care anyway.

"Why are you sitting out?" I jolted back from the question. I had been expecting him to ignore me. Especially since he was popular. Maybe they haven't taught him to not speak to me yet.

"I'm dying. You?" I half-joked. Part of me was being serious, though. My days left on earth were numbered with my disease. Shadow's eyes widened in surprise and I can tell I left him speechless.

"You're not being serious, right?" Oh, if only he knew...

"Whatever makes you sleep at night. Anyway, what's your reason?" Of course, I knew this already but I'd do anything to change the topic of our conversation.

"Um...they don't let me participate because of my abilities." I definitetly made him uncomfortable, Now, I just felt bad but I couldn't take it back now.

"Oh ok." I replied, not really wanting to continue the conversation. Shadow thought otherwise.

"So...what did you mean earlier?" I started to regret what I said. It was supposed to be a joke! But I guess he doesn't really have a sense of humor. Probably cause he's a hedgehog...

"I meant that I'm very sick and can't participate in gym because of it." I tried explaining as simply as possible.

"But, are you really dying?" For some reason, those words stung like a knife. I guess, I hadn't really digested my fate.

Ignoring Shadow, I sat up from the stairs and excused myself to the bathroom. I didn't want to tell anyone about this and I sure as hell was not going to tell him. The most popular one here. 
No way.


That strange encounter with Shadow was yesterday. Since then, Shadow nor I have had any intentions of speaking to each other again. Or so I thought.

I had come in late for school today because of my doctors appointment, so I arrived halfway through biology. The new usual, Shadow had a crowd of fangirls swarming him by my seat. This was very annoying and it just caused me to have more hatred towards the hedgehog. I seriously didn't understand his clout. I know he's an animal but can't they just get used to it like the rest of us?

I dunno. Maybe some of them are zoophiles or something. He's not exactly ugly but he's not a human. Not deciding to care anymore, I squeezed by the fangirls and sat in my seat. Completely ignoring the fact that Shadow was seated right behind me.

Everything was going fine until one of his hoes laid their ass on my desk and started batting their eyelashes at Shadow.

Honestly, I could care less about the flirting. But,  did it seriously have to be on my fucking desk?! I wanted to speak up and say something. But all it takes is one simple push and I'll need to go to the doctors again. I shivered at the thought of needles prickling my skin.

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