Shadow x Reader x !Friend! Infinite (Dark Side)

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In this story, Shadow isn't the one who kills Infinite's jackal squad, so there is no extra hatred towards him.

Sorry just for the plot convenience! Enjoy!


I had been locked away at Eggman's base for 3 days now. It all started when we were battling Infinite, I got dizzy from his allusions and passed out. The next thing I knew, I was in a boarded up room.

It honestly wasn't that bad. I was provided with meals and a bed. Infinite didn't come by much but when he did, he usually was fine. I wouldn't of minded being in here if it weren't for the isolation. I was supposed to be bait for Sonic's team but they haven't tried saving me yet. Maybe they're just coming up with a good plan...

My thoughts were interrupted by Infinite unlocking the door to my 'cell', if you can even call it that...

"I have something to show you." I simply nodded and sprang up from the bed. Infinite had a device in his hand and it looked like some sort of camera. He turned it on and it revealed the Freedom Fighters, I gasped lowly.

"Are you guys going to figure something out for Y/N?" Shadow asked.

"Nah. They won't kill her. We got more important things to talk about." Sonic replied. The group agreed in unison.

I was enraged.

"Yeah, she was kinda annoying anyway..."

Rogue?! I had helped her plan her date with Knuckles! I thought we were friends! This is how she pays me back?!

"Are you guys really that shallow?" Shadow clenched his fists.

"What's the big deal? No one liked her." Amy chuckled.

Amy, too? I helped her bake a cake for Sonic...I even considered her my best friend!

"Wow, you guys are assholes." Shadow hissed.

"We weren't close to her anyway, Shadow." Knuckle's sighed.

We weren't close?! I spent years with them! How could they say things like this?!

"You're all supposed to be heroes! Why the hell are you ditching one of your friends? She's probably being tortured!" Shadow exclaimed.

"Pfft, she wasn't our friend. Besides, maybe some torture will be good for her. She's too perky." Sonic shrugged.

"I'm leaving." Shadow turned from the group.

"What? Why?!" Sonic yelped.

"I'm going to actually help my friend."

The recording turned black and I looked back at Infinite. I felt a mixture of emotions but the strongest being rage. It's as if Infinite could smell this because he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Join me. Take your revenge on your selfish friends." I clutched onto his hand on my shoulder.

"They aren't my friends."


Infinite and I have been planning our attack over the last few days. Since then, he's been treating me with kindness and I think it's safe to say we are more than just an alliance.

We both seem to enjoy each others company, and he's even mentioned he's grateful to have a friend. I'm just glad I finally have someone actually looking out for me, but why do I feel guilty?

Anyways, our attack was going to be today. Infinite handed me some parts of the phantom ruby, so I was now stronger. At this rate, I could crush Sonic and his crew in mere seconds...and I was going to enjoy it.

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