Mephiles x Reader - A Deal

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Your life was a rather rough one, for starters.

You had never known who your mother was. She had died during your birth, which left your father devastated. Apparently, a parent's love was not unconditional.

He often blamed you for your mother's demise. He spent most of his time drinking or sleeping, and collected money from the government as he qualified. You don't remember the last time you haven't used food stamps to buy groceries.

You were often left to fend for yourself. Being the only child had its pros and cons. You didn't have to take care of any younger siblings, but you were also alone and you had no help in survival.

The teachers were often concerned. You rarely showed up to school, so much so that people forget about you. And when you did show up, you looked extremely scruffy and unhygienic. Your father hated you bringing up the water bill.

He had only gave you two shirts and a pair of jeans. In the winter, you were increasingly freezing. Thankfully, your father never noticed when you put on his oversized clothes. It kept you warm enough.

You were happy it was the spring. You could finally wear something that fits you.

"Y/N, get me another beer."

You rolled your eyes at your father's commands before walking to the fridge and grabbing him another bud light. He had bought a 12 pack last night and he was already almost out.

You used to be angry he spent your welfare money on his alcoholism. But there was nothing you could do. In time, you learned to get over it.

"You look tired." Your father chuckled as he popped the lid. "Tired of what? You don't do anything!" He hollered. "You could never
last in my shoes. Raising a kid is so draining."

You didn't say anything. It never helped anyway. But a part of you flared up as he mentioned raising a child. He knew nothing of the sort. He hadn't raised you. You raised yourself.

And you were not draining.

You didn't realize you were staring at him as he snapped. "Get out my face now. Let your poor father relax."

You said nothing as you walked away. Your voice only irritated him. And the more drunk he got, the more annoyed he was with you.

CPS had visited your house at least a dozen times. Calls from your neighbors, teachers, even friends. But they never removed you.

Your dad always knew how to put on a show.

You went outside. It was rather foggy for a spring evening but you didn't mind. The spooky weather always seemed to calm you.

You couldn't see the sun but could tell it was a little past sunset. It was only a matter of time before it was completely dark.

Since it was Saturday, you were due to clock in for your shift. The staff were surprised you were willing to commit to the graveyard shift. Though, it wasn't too bad considering the place closed at 3 AM.

9 PM to 3 AM. It wasn't that bad. Occasionally, there would be some weirdos that came into the pizza place, but they never really bothered you.

As you continued walking you noticed how it had gotten increasingly colder. Nearly freezing. You were practically shivering at this abnormality. It was spring, the temperature was not supposed to drop this low!

Though, just as it appeared it vanished. And you found your body instantly relaxing at the lukewarm temperature.

You figured that was strange, but compared to what you've seen in your neighborhood it was nothing. You walked inside Papa John's and clocked in for your shift.

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