chapter 25

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We had just flown down to Barcelona. It was a special weekend. It was the Spanish Grand Prix, the sixth round of the season. The home race of Charles's teammate, Carlos. The weekend before Charles's own home race in Monaco. Two back to back Grand Prixs, very important for Ferrari to contain in the lead of the constructors championship.

I would lie if I said that was the special thing about it. It wasn't only about Formula One. It was about me and Charles as well. We hadn't been back to Barcelona since we met here. I knew we met on the plane but Barcelona was the special place. The place where he showed up to get his missing bag. The place where we went on our first date. The place where we had our first kiss. Barcelona was special.

I knew he felt it himself. The excitement to get back here. To be together again. I had been back home for a while after Australia. I needed a break to sort my thoughts out. But I was here now to be with him. Because all I wanted was to be with him.

-I want to take you out tonight, Charles said disrupting my thoughts.

-Where? I asked turning around to face him.

-Maybe that's a surprise, he said with a smile as he winked at me.

-Oh really, a surprise? I asked walking up closer to him.

-Yes, a surprise. he said in between two kisses he placed softly on my lips.

Charles usually wasn't this mysterious. I guessed it had to do with being in Barcelona. That we were back here. I hoped this would be a good night.

As I was doing my make-up I quickly checked the weather app on my phone. I wanted to know what to wear for tonight. Barcelona was mostly sunny and warm at this time of the year but the app showed rain.

-Hey Charl, it's supposed to rain later tonight.

-Is it? he shouted from the other room.

-Do you think we'll make it back in time? I asked him.

-Yeah sure, probably.

I continued with my make-up and took the outfit I planned to wear. It was a loose dark red dress that was tightened with a braided belt. It looked stunning. I went to get Charles's reaction.

-Oh wow, you are gorgeous. he said as I walked out to him.

We went down and got in the car. He opened the door like always. Still a gentleman. He didn't say much as we drove. I guess he didn't want to spoil his surprise. As we got closer it all started to look familiar. I think I have been here before. I looked over at Charles and saw a big smile on his face. No way, is he taking me where I think we are going. We pulled up by a parking lot and got out of the car.

-I can't believe you are taking me here again. I said as we walked down the street.

We got in to the restaurant and got seated at the same place as last time. The waiter handed us a pair of menus and then left us alone.

-I missed this place, he said as we looked over the menus.

-Yeah, I'm actually thinking about getting what I ate the last time we were here.

-That's fun, I'll do it too. It's like we are recreating our first date.

-If I'm honest I wasn't sure it was a date until we got here the last time.

-No way. How? he said laughing.

-I didn't think you were as interested.

-Are you kidding me? I was madly interested.

-Good to know, I said laughingly.

We got our food. It was as good as the last time. The date as well. We talked about everything from our first date to banana costumes. For some reason we talk about that often, not sure why.

Charles was still on the idea of recreating our first date so we went down to the ice cream stand and bought some ice cream. I convinced him to choose a better flavour this time. We walked further down to the beach as we watched the last part of the sunset. It was beautiful. We sat down on a broken tree branch and took our shoes off to put our toes in the sand.

-I know you want to make it public to the media. I said not being able to hold it back.

-No, we don't have to talk about that Alex. I don't want to ruin our night.

It started to get chilly. I felt a raindrop hitting my forehead as I slightly looked up to the sky.

-But I want to talk about it, I said as I stood up. I know you don't want to hide anymore. You are a public person, that's who you are.

-No, that's not who I am Alex. I want to be with you, he said as he got up from the tree branch. We don't have to tell the media. Really, we don't have to.

-Yes we do, at some point. I said almost yelling at him now.

More raindrops fell down on us. Eventually it stated to pour.

-No Alex, we don't. he said back.

-Yes we do, you know we'll have to.

-I want to be with you Alex! Charles shouted as the rain got heavier.

We didn't move.

-I want to be with you too! I shouted back.

-We don't have to tell the media, he said. I don't want to lose you.

-You won't, I said. I want to tell the media Charles.

He looked at me with a blank face. He didn't know what to say. So I continued:

-I want to tell them, cause I...I love you Charles. Nothing matters except you. I don't care about the media. I want you. I want...

He shut me up by kissing me. The rain was dripping down our faces as he kissed me slow. It all felt like we moved in slow motion. The sand between our toes were wet and the sound of a storm was echoing around us. But all we could think of was each other.

-I love you too, he said as we parted our kiss.


Love Is In The Air - Charles LeclercNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ