chapter 33

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Charles' POV:
I felt better today emotionally after last nights events. Alex had been there for me in a way I never thought she would. Or it had at least never crossed my mind. She was a really good person. I really did love her. Even though yesterday was a mess she was here. Here with me at home. It felt nice. Something I could get used to.

I was tired when I woke up today as well. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Even with my arms wrapped around Alex my thoughts had wandered off. I had been going over my last years quali lap over and over again. I had been trying to think of things on how to make it better and faster. Yes I was on pole last year but who knows if Max could have gone quicker if it wasn't for my crash. And once again it will probably be a battle in between Max and I since we are battling for the title.

It was already time for FP3. I was excited to go out on track and to make up for lost time at yesterdays second practice. Since the mechanics had been up all night to fix my car I wanted to make them happy as well. The first 30 minutes went well. There were no problems and I had put in some good laps. It was nice to practice here since there was no place for mistakes in the actual race. But then something happened.

As I stepped out of the car I could see the look of everyone's faces. I tried my best not meeting anyones eyes. I headed back to my drivers room where Alex had been waiting for me.

-What happened? she asked as I stepped in.

She had been watching the practice in the room instead of joining the garage. It's usually very crowded when there's a race in Monaco. She will be there later today and tomorrow though.

-Um...I don't know, I said. It's probably something with the car. I hope I didn't do anything to make it worse.

-Is it from yesterdays incident? she asked me with a concerned look.

-I think so, I answered.

As I looked over to the TV I could see how Max had put in the fastest lap of the practice just before it ended. It was the fastest time of the weekend so far beating mine from FP1 by a hundred. I know the practices doesn't mean that much but it still got to me. I really wanted to make this the perfect weekend but it didn't seem to go my way. I really wanted this win.

I headed over to do the media interviews. The last thing I wanted to do right now. Fortunately Alex had tried to get me in a better mood and I had met Pierre on the way there. I started off by doing some interviews in French for the home people. It was hard since it felt like I was disappointing. But it's Formula One so I put on my best fake smile and gave them some hope for the afternoon. Even though I was slowly losing mine.

As I was on my way to do some other interviews I heard someone calling my name.

-Hey Charles! Is it the pressure or the car? Max said laughingly as he walked past me in the media pen.

-Just givning you some time to shine before the race, I answered him laughing as well as he walked off.

Was it me or the car? I knew Max was only joking, but it still got stuck in my head. I was already in a bad place. I had started losing my confidence and the pressure was only building up. I couldn't drop in performance, I was leading the championship. I stood there zoning out infront of the reporter.

-Oh right, I said when I finally realized I was in an interview. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

-It's fine, the reporter said and continued asking me questions.

During my lunch break I tried to refocus. I still had a job to do. I had surrounded myself with the people I only felt comfortable with. Lunch I spent with Alex. She could sense that I didn't want to speak about anything Formula One related and I loved her for not bringing it up. As I was about to leave to start preparing for qualifying Alex grabbed my hand.

-I know your nervous and all, she started. But I know you're the best driver on the grid. You just need to belive in yourself.

-Thank you Alex, I said giving her a quick hug. Truly, I don't deserve you.

-I love you now just go do your thing and don't thing about the others, she said stealing a kiss from me.

With a smile on my face I left the wonderful girl that I called my girlfriend behind. I knew she was right, I just needed to belive in myself and the rest would come.

I started walking out of the bright red motorhome with some stuff in my arms. In the distance I saw Pierre walking down the paddock. He started speeding up when he saw me exiting the motorhome. When he started getting closer he started talking to me:

-Hey Charles, he said as he took the last steps in-between us. It's good to see you smiling a bit more today. You haven't been yourself these last couple of days.

-Yeah I just got a pep talk from Alex, I said looking a Pierre who could read me like a book. I don't know but the pressure has kind of starting to get to me and I don't know why. Maybe it is the race being here in Monaco?

-Man you could drive this track in your sleep faster than anyone could, Pierre said excited. This is your year and it's your time to shine in Monaco. Don't be afraid of the pressure soak it in.

I continued talking to Pierre for a bit before we had to part our ways. Both him and Alex had given me more confidence and I wanted to succeed for them and myself. I knew that me and Pierre technically were rivals on track, but we would always support one another.

When I entered the garage the mechanics were working non-stop. Qualifying was coming up at one of the hardest tracks to overtake. Everyone wanted to qualify at the front. I zipped my suit, put on the balaclava and the helmet. I was as ready as I could possibly be.

Q1 went underway and I left the garage. All my thoughts were locked out when the helmet was on and I was fully focused. I got in some laps during the 18 minutes. None of them were great, but it was enough to advance into Q2. This time around I had some better laps, but they were still only putting me p10 when the second round ended.

"I wonder what's going on with Charles Leclerc. He's been looking so good until this weekend. I know he has a history with his home Grand Prix, but oh boy. He needs to do something amazing if he wants to have a chance at that race win tomorrow. P10 won't be enough. "

After a quick look at some data I headed out for the last chance of showing what I could do in qualifying. I knew which part of the track I was losing time at. All I needed was one great lap. During my out lap I saw all the banners and flags waving. I realized how much support I actually had here. They wanted me to do good as much as myself.

-Let's get ready to push, my engineer said over the radio as I finished the last sector on my out lap.

I had found the groove when Q3 started and from the beginning I could feel that I was faster than before. I just didn't know if it was fast enough for pole. The last few minutes of the session was intense. I rushed so that I could squeeze in a last flying lap before the time was out. That last lap started great. I was fastest in the first sector. The second sector continued as good only a couple of tenths of the fastest time. In the last sector I had some minor mistakes, but I saved them nicely and crossed the finish line.

It felt like a lifetime before my engineer talked to me. When he came on the radio I could hear the Ferrari staff screaming behind him. That could only mean something good.

-Wow Charles that was the lap of your life, he said impressed. That's pole position here in Monaco at your home Grand Prix.

As he said those words I could feel my eyes starting to water down. I didn't actually think I had it in me. Even though I had pole last year, this one felt felt better since my car actually was in one piece after this qualifying session.

I parked my car behind the number one sign in Parc Ferme and jumped put of the car. All of Monaco were screaming my name and I couldn't stop smiling. I was back in my confidence. I would fight until I couldn't anymore tomorrow. It's race on.


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