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As I wait for Void to come back, I pace the lounge floor and try not to think about how he might react if that skanky bitch Malena told him that I was a siren. It was supposed to be a secret after all.

It's wasn't like he was going to believe her for very long, the second he walked through the door I could just compel him again.

I flopped down on the couch as I waited to hear the click of the keys in the lock so I could be ready. I sighed as I moved to the edge of the couch where there was a book, a tale of two cities. I picked it up and glanced down at the pages, first edition apparently. I threw the book on the floor and heard a page rip. I couldn't help myself as I let out a chuckle. I picked the book back up without bothering to examine the damage I had done and put it back where I found it, maybe I was lucky and it was Malena's book. That'd teach her.

"Hey, I'm back." I hear from the hall and I bolt upright. I turn to look over the back of the couch and see Void standing in the hallway with a smile on his face.

I stood up and ran over to him and kissed him fiercely. Void pulled back from me with a weak smile. "So eager." He said teasingly.

His body language was seemed different, but maybe I was just superstitious. If Malena had told him I doubt he would've been all smiles after all.

"For you?" I ask between kisses. "Always," I murmured against his lips.

Void pulls back from me and for a second in his eyes, I see a rage stronger than anything I've seen before. A hatred so strong that I felt like cowering. But then he smiles at me and everything that seems rageful is gone from his face.

Like I said, just superstitious.

— — — —


I hated her. She was in my arms kissing me but I fucking hated her. I'm not sure how I got that wrong before but for the meanwhile, I had to play along with this game of coy she seemed to be playing.

She pulled back from me and I looked down at her and with all the rage I felt glowered down at her but I changed my face into a forced smile just before the look could linger and Isabella's eyebrows furrowed but then she just smiled at me.

I pull away from her for real this time and move to the bench whilst cursing myself. How could I be so fucking stupid? I gesture for her to sit down and I stand opposite her behind the counter. She smiles at me and I offer her a quick smile back but then I turn away from her to fill up a glass of water and I go back to scheming.

Maybe she could be used in my plan to wreak havoc. If she could compel people maybe that could be used to my advantage. But I'd just have to keep up the 'loving boyfriend' act a little longer.

I turn back to her and force a smile. "How do you feel about waffles for dinner?" I ask smiling.

— — — —


I pulled up to the Mcall's house with a sigh. I shook myself out and tried not to think of the night's events and just forget about them entirely.

I look into the rearview mirror of my car and smile at myself and try to make it look as convincing as possible I climb out of my car just as Kira and Scott arrive on his bike. I look at them in surprise but they both smile at me.

"You crashing here tonight too?" I ask with a smile to Kira and she flashes me a grin.

"You bet." She says and she loops an arm through Scotts as they walk to me.

"Well," I say yawning. "Try not to be too loud, yea? I'm super tired and the walls are thin." I say holding my thumb and index finger together.

Kira flushes red and Scott hits me over the back of the head in a playful manner.

"You have protection, right? I didn't bring any with me of course-" I start but this time Scott shuts me up by poking me in the stomach while Kira who's still blushing starts to laugh.

I hold a finger out to Scott and glare at him. "Don't want to do that to a girl who just threw 5 oni through a window."

"Considering it's the same girl I've known that in kindergarten used to cry when she saw a spider, I'll take my chances," Scott says and he walks past me smiling.

— — — —

Once we're inside Kira goes up to Scott's room and I linger downstairs for a little bit to make myself some coffee and give them time to get comfortable. I wasn't lying when I said the walls were thin. I could hear Scott some nights when it was the full moon so I didn't even want to think about how loud it would be if Kira and Scott started hooking up. It turned out Melissa was working the late shift so she wouldn't be home for a while anyway, so as quickly as possible I dart up the stairs to the spare room which had been given to me and take Pride and Prejudice from my stack, snatch up my headphones and mp3 player as well as getting some paper and a pen to write to my parents. Then I ran back down the stairs and tried not to listen to what was going on in Scott's room.

I flopped down on the couch and put my headphones in, pressed play on my playlist and think of what I'm going to write to my parents. I sigh as I lean my head back and let the music play.

Finally, I decide on this:

Dear mum and dad,

I miss you guys so much and I can't wait for you guys to come home. School's been boring but I've been staying out of trouble (mostly) and I'm yet to join a crack group. I miss you both so much, in case you forgot there are 3 months till you come home. I've moved in with Melissa and Scott in the meantime and have been staying in the spare room. I hope that's okay. Just after everything with Isaac I didn't want to go home. Yes, me and Isaac are still broken up and no me and Allison aren't friends anymore. Too much has happened for everything to return to normal. But I'm honestly okay with that, they're clearly okay with it too because they're still together. From your guy's last letter, I got the photos and I loved them! If I'd have know the place you guys were teaching was so beautiful I would've snuck it into your suitcase. I hope you guys aren't working too hard. I can't wait for you guys to come home. I love you.

Lots of love and hugs,

Malena (your favourite daughter.)

I look down at the letter and admire my work with a smile. I decide to go and deliver the letter as soon as possible so it can reach them sooner. Without removing my headphones I go out the door and shut it behind me. I run to my car as it begins to rain and pull out of my driveway with a glance at Scott's window and see him and Kira making out. I had definitely left at the right time.

I drive to the post office, buy a stamp, place the letter in the post box, and run back to my car again as it has begun to pour down. I shiver as I climb into my car and reach to turn on the heater when my hand is grabbed.

I look up shocked and see Isaac sitting next to me with a worried look on his face. "I need your help." He says quietly. 

— — — —

anyways, that's chapter 39!

I absolutely cannot believe were almost at chapter 40! it seems like just yesterday i decided i wanted to write a void stiles fic, and now we're almost at 10k reads?

that's so crazy! I love you all so much! 

please give me your thoughts on the chapter! — — — —>

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