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tw: alottt of f-bombs are dropped.


I turn to look at Stiles and he's gasping for breath, being supported by Lydia and Lydia alone. "Stop fighting them! It's an illusion. It looks real and it feels real but it's not." He turns to me and Scott with a grim look. "You've got to believe me, Scott. It's an illusion."

Scott turns around to the Nogitusne and looks back at Kira, Lydia, Stiles and myself as the Oni begin to stand in front of the Nogitsune, blocking our path back to the doors that lead out to the hallway. 

Scott takes a step forward and I follow behind him. The first Oni slashes across Scott's stomach and he lets out a yell of agony but continues walking. I take a breath and follow suit, the Oni in front of me slashes across my stomach and I scream in pain, but somehow the pain is bearable. Like when you get stung by a bee and the first few seconds with the stinger in hurt but once the contact is removed it fades to a dull ache.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as one of the Oni slashes its sword out and I feel another slice across my back and I yell out again, but this time the pain fades faster. I keep walking and so does Scott, who is determinedly not letting anyone or anything get in his way. 

The Oni keep slicing at me but the cuts and injuries become more like an obstacle I have to pass than the cause of any real pain, soon Scott is standing before the Nogtisune and pushing him backwards, into the door we entered through and just as they are about to fall into the next room we're entering the hallways to the school, unscarred and unscathed. 

I let out a small gasp and Scott looks at me with a smile. "We're okay. We're oka-" He's cut off and slumps to the ground and I turn and see that Kira is now knocked out as well. I spin on my heel to see what caused this and I'm greeted by none other than Void standing there with a big smirk on his face. 

I stumble back into Lydia and Stiles who are gaping at Void too. 

"Hello, love." He says with a crooked grin that makes me want to die. 

Stiles turns to me with a tight jaw and a harsh gaze. "Love?" He asks his tone cold with hatred. 

I shake my head as I take another step back and Void raises an eyebrow at me and chuckles lightly. "Oh Malena, you haven't told them yet have you?"

I feel my skin get clammy and I swallow loudly and Lydia turns to me with a wary look. I shake my head as I step back and squeeze my eyes shut, maybe if I hope strong enough this will all go away and I'll realise I'm dreaming. 

"Tell us what?" I hear from behind Void and I open my eyes quickly to see that Scott has gotten up from being knocked down and is looking at me intently. His eyes narrow and I go out on a limb and say he can hear my heartbeat rising as I get more and more nervous. 

"I-um." I choke on the words as they fail to make their way past my throat. 

Lydia looks at me with a horrified expression. "Malena..." She says and I can hear the disappointment in her tone. I try to hold myself together and act like I'm not on the verge of crying. 

"Malena. You reek of anxiety." Scott says his tone rock hard as he takes a step closer to us all. 

I look to Void who is leaning against the lockers with a smirk on his face, I try to give him a pleading look but he shrugs his shoulders in a way that tells me I'm on my own. 

"I-" My words flatter and I shake my head. "Fuck it. I kissed Void, no I hooked up with him! No, screw that I fucking love him! And you know what? I don't give a single fuck what you guys think!" I let out a forced laugh. "Because I am happy! Fuck, this is the happiest I've been in a long fucking time! So don't give me that fucking look Stiles because I don't fucking care what you think! As far as I'm fucking concerned you can all fuck yourselves if you're not happy for me! Because I'm happy!" I let out a gasping breath as I look at the faces of my closest friends. 

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon