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Later when Isaac leaves to go back to Mr Argent's apartment I'm sitting on the doorstep waiting for Scott to come home when his car arrives with Melissa in the front seat. He climbs out of the car and wraps me in a hug. 

"I'm fine," I say trying not to cry but my voice cracks with emotion. 

"Yeah me too," Scott responds and I can hear the hoarseness in his voice from crying. 

I pull back from him and offer him a small smile. Melissa gets out of the car and wraps the two of us in a hug. She kisses my forehead and then Scotts. "You two shouldn't have to be going through this," She murmurs softly and when she pulls back from us both she has tears in her eyes. 

We walk into the house together and I sit down on the couch and Scott sits down next to me. I stare at the wall in front of me blankly while Scott does the same. We sit in silence for a while and I can't help but think back on everything Allison and I had done together before, well, everything.

"Malena you can't stuff 25 marshmallows in your mouth. It's not physically possible." Allison says with a laugh. I let out a snicker as I stuff the 15th into my mouth. "Oh yeah? Watch me."I try to say but it comes out more like. "Oft phea? Fatch phe." Allison starts to snort with laughter as I gag because there are so many in my mouth. "I told you!" She says between laughs. I start to choke on the marshmallows and she pats my back so I don't suffocate. "Idiot." She says shaking her head at me. 

Allison sits beside me nervously as we wait for Scott to come and pick her up for their date. She looks around worriedly and I nudge her arm. "You alright, Ali?" I ask her softly and she nods her head hurriedly. "Yup. I'm fine." She says and she continues to scan the road for Melissa's car. "Hey, it's going to be fine. You look stunning." I assure her as I put a hand on her shoulder. She smiles at me. "What if he changed his mind?" She asks and I let out a laugh. "Allison, I've been friends with Scott since kindergarten and trust me when I say he is completely in love with you," I say with a smile as I grab her hand and give it a small squeeze. Moments later Scott pulls into my driveway and comes to a stop in front of us. He gets out of his car and pauses when he sees Allison and I see him let out a breath. I nudge her forward. "Go get him, girl," I whisper and she smiles at me. 

So many memories, so many smiles, so many laughs. All gone with her, all gone because of me. I feel another tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it away hurriedly. 

"You miss her too huh?" Scott asks from beside me quietly. 

I nod slowly as another tear falls down my lap. Scott pulls me into another hug and we stay that way for a while. We don't speak or say anything, but the embrace is enough. 

After a while, Scott lets out a sigh. "It wasn't your fault." He says quietly. 

I break off the hug and turn to him. "It wasn't yours either," I murmur. 

Scott looks down at me. "Then why does it feel like it was?" He asks, the question clearly rhetorical. 

"I'm not sure," I whisper. 

Melissa walks out of the kitchen to us both. "I have to go back to work but I'll see you both later okay? Just take it easy for a bit, yea?" She says as she kisses Scott's forehead and then my own.

We both nod and Scott gets up to say goodbye to her. 

"I'm going to go see Stiles," I say aloud to nobody in particular. Melissa looks up at me and gives me a small smile. 

"That's a good idea. I think he's feeling pretty down at the moment." She says and with that, she stands up and leaves the house. 

"Tell him it wasn't his fault, will you?" Scott says as I move to put on my coat. I nod as I move past him and pick up my car keys and my phone and put them in my pocket. 

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now