#2 on the train

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Harry's p.o.v

I Harmiony and Ron was looking for an empty compartment but the only one that wasn't completely full had three Slytherin's in it but since two was asleep we took it we just had to deal with it if Thay wake up Draco was the only one awake but it... it seems like he doesn't even acknowledge that we're here. we took our seat's as we sitted Harmiony and Ron started fighting again while I was looking at Draco trying to figure him out he cept stering out the window bouncing his leg. playing with a necklace and biteing his bottom lip... He looked adorable... and slightly more feminine than last time I saw him. but I'm definitely not complaining he's as breath taking as the first time I layed my eyes on him. but I could tell something was bothering him. and that made me worried Parkinson putted her head on his shoulder and coddled his arm but he didn't seem to mind... And...That made me... Angry and jealous... Jealous of Parkinson just because she touched my mate-Draco I mean Draco I all of the sudden wanted to hiss at her something's not right

I'll ask Harmiony once we're at Hoggwards. Mat-Draco! Closed his eyes and rested his head on top of Parkinson's head... I had the urge to just grab him and ceep him with me and no one else! Zabini.

(A/N I have no idea if I spelled it right.)

Started to wake up he looked at Parkinson and my mat-Draco before he just tiped offer and layd with his head on my Draco's lape! And now I feel like lashing out and killing those two!

it's going to be a long ride…

I sighed and rested my head back and tryde to relax...

"Pst Harry" Ron said I looked at him and Harmiony but Harmiony was asleep codling her book "yes Ron" I said to him he smirked and pulled out his wand "What are you-" before I could finish my sentence Ron shot a curse at Parkinson and Zabini but my Draco somehow blocked the curse with a word that he mumbled in his sleep the curse shot back and hit Ron in the face it made him grow donkey ears and teeth I looked away from Ron to look at my Draco... what is he?...

I sniffed the air for his scent. part of my Inharatan's is that I can identify eney cretor just by Ther sent but his sent was... SWEET!

I know what this means. 

Draco Malfoy is my mate...

Now it all makes sense.

But there's just one more thing left what is he.

I can't identify him at all.


Ron broke the cures and went to the bathroom Harmiony woke up just as he left

"Hy miony..." I said and she raised an eyebrow at me "Yes"
She said as she sitted closer "I can't identify Malfoy but I can identify Parkinson and Zabini so I was hoping you know what it meant" I said and she Gove me the look that say

-really you got intelligence but you don't know what this means really what a waste-

she sighed and looked at Draco and before I knew it I hissed at her I slapped my hand over my mouth she looked at me then she smile from ear to ear so I guess she knows

"Oh my Mirlan Harry I'm so happy for you" she said huging me I hugged her back Harmiony is the only one who knows that I had and still have a crush on my Draco since first year Harmiony is really my best friend she was with me when I had an angry brake down because I didn't want to be in a relationship with Ginny and she was there with me once Ginny cheated on me and she selibrated with me once I broke up with Ginny

"Oh Harry let me see your inharatan's parchment quick" she said I shrugged and pulled the parchment out of my pocket And handed her it












Oh my Mirlan. Draco really is my mate I thought my nose was playing some sike game on me

"Harry your going to have to feed off of him to stay alive since he is your mate..." Harmiony sed I steared at her for a good few seconds  "Harry your half Vampire you're going to need the blood of your mate to survive that's what I was going to tell you but Ron showed up and if I told you that infront of Ron he Whould insisted that your mate was Ginny and I'm afraid of what'll happen if he finds out that Draco's you're mate I mean we both know he has a sike crush on Draco you saw" Harmiony said I know what she's talking about Ron has this Sike obsession with MY  Draco he has photos of Draco all in a book he carey's around with him at all times he truly is sike I tried my best to ceep Draco away even if it meant that Draco Whould hate me but now that I know we're mate's and Ment to be I'll protect him with my life. The only question is what's his inharatan's why can't I identify it and how in the name of Mirlan do I tell him that he's my mate...

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