Chapter 9: Richard Carters friends

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Athena packs all of her things and gets ready to leave the door with Marlene as Jo comes running in "WAIT WAIT" she wraps her arms around Athena into a tight squeeze "please send me a letter if anything happens and be safe" she cups her hands around Athenas face "I love you"
Athena smiles "I will" Athena gives her a slight nod "and you send me a letter about if anything changes about the order" she lets go of the girls face
"You'll be the first one too know okay"
They grab their things and head to platform 9 3/4.

As soon as Athena walked through the wall she saw regulus and Sirius at they other end, they shoot her a smile, James was walking after them and just as Athena was about to walk over she hears "RABBIT" she sighs "OI RABBIT" Athena turns to see Richard carter walking towards her with his friends "there's my favourite seeker" he walks over to her and gives her a massive hug
Athena hugs him "Nice to see you too Richard" Athena laughs as she sees 2 boys looking at her
Richard turns to them "oh you know these lot don't you" he points to the blonde one "this is Davey Gudgeon, his dad works at the ministry" the blonde boy smiles at you "and this is dirk cresswell" Dirk had a handsome face and she could see the pride in his walk, he moves closer to her and shakes her hand
He smiles slightly "I think we've spoken before?" He says still shaking your hand
She looks at his face trying to recognise him "I don't think so"
His charming smile looks over to Richard "mate we need to go we promised Olivia Green we would show her that spell" he looks back to Athena and kisses her hand "it was a pleasure to meet you Athena" he says
Richard pats her shoulder "I'll see you in the common room" he says as him and the boys walk away.

Athena started to make her way and join they other boys and sees James staring right at her "oi Athena who are those boys with Richard Carter?" He says with a stern face
she turns "oh the boys, their some randoms Richard introduced me too, why?" She looks back at James
He lets out a cocky smile "I don't like the look of that brunette one, too smug if you ask me" he says
Sirius coughs "and your not? James mate your the cockiest male in this school" Athena looked over and saw Remus gesturing her inside the train. She follows him for about 10 minutes.
Remus pops his head into a carriage "There all divas" Remus says trying to find a free carriage "ah here we go" her and Remus sit in the carriage opposite each over "finally alone" it seemed like Remus spoke too soon as Peter peaks his head in
He looks straight over to Remus "Can I sit with you guys?" He didn't make eye contact with Athena
Remus gives a sharp look to Peter "where are James and Sirius?"
Peter shrugs his shoulder's "i don't know, the last I saw of them they were running on the train giggling and then I lost em" Peter had already made himself sitting next to Remus, Remus rolls his eyes and looks at Athena
Peter finally acknowledged Athena's presents "what's that your reading?" Peter points at her book
She looks at the front page "oh you mean Romeo and Juliet ?" Athena looked back at him "it's a very famous book do you not know it?" Peter shakes his head "Shakespeare? You don't know Shakespeare" she says in disbelief as she hand him the book to see
"Well I know him" Remus says
Peter looks at the pages "this makes no sense" he shakes his head flipping through the pages "it's all in funny language" he just about gets cut off by James and Sirius walking into your carriage making loads of noise
Remus raises his arms "now what do you want now"
James let's out a little sigh as he sits next to Athena and makes himeself comfortable "we got kicked out of a carriage with snivellus in it" he smiles at her
Sirius laughs "yeah he looked like he wanted to cry when we sat with him" Sirius looks at Peter "why do you look like you've been hit by a bus" Sirius glances at Peter
Peter shows Sirius a page of Romeo and Juliet "do you understand any of this" Sirius looks down at the page
"Romeo and Juliet you mean" Sirius looks back at Peter
Peter looked shocked "how do you know Romeo and Juliet?"
Sirius looks at James with a smirk "I think everyone knows who Shakespeare is right ?" He looks at Remus for reassurance
James says "yeah he's the bloke who write in funny words" he grabs the book "who's reading this?" He holds the book up
Athena grabs it "me" she closes it
James looks at her "you read Shakespeare?"
She shakes her head "not usually but me Meg and Jo are in this stupid competition to see who can bash Romeo and Juliet's love the most" she puts the book in her bag
Sirius raises his eyebrow "I thought Romeo and Juliet loved each over"
"They thought they did" she looks at Sirius "they were just Inlove with love"
Peter looked like he did not understand any of what Athena had just said, James was intrigued, Sirius was confused and Remus seemed to like the way she spoke of Romeo and Juliet.

After a while of eating chocolate and sweets the train stopped as they all got off , Athena saw a shadow getting closer it was Hagrid coming her way "ello Theney ye alright" he says welcoming her back
Athena smiles "I'm good Hagrid, haven't seen you in a while" she looks up at the giant
"O ye know Dumbledore always keeping me busy, now when ye free come down to my hut we'll have a cuppa and a chat alright" he pats Athena in the shoulder he shoots a smile "ye alright James" James comes behind Athena
James shakes hagrids hand "Yeah you alright mate" James nods and comes up behind Athena and says to hagrid "I got to make sure Athena isn't late to her carriage, we'll see you later" James waves at Hagrid as  they both walk off, James looks at Athena "I never knew you were friends with Hagrid?"
Athena says "We've been friends since 1st year, he knew Jo and really liked her so he just got to know me" she shrug her shoulders
James puts out his arm "lady Athena" Athena grabs into his arm as they get in a carriage with Sirius Remus and Peter, Remus holding the daily prophet "this is unbelievable" he shakes his head "that Umbridge woman is on the front page talking about how any wizards mixed with animals are creatures" he puts the paper down
James pats him on the shoulder "no hard feelings mate she's a cow anyways"
Sirius glares at James
Athena looks at the boys "why should he take no hard feelings?" He asks
James's eyes opens "oh Remus is a massive animal lover aren't you mate, he feels bad for wizards who have to go through that don't you mate?" James stares at Remus
Remus smiles "yeah poor chaps"
Sirius looks to Athena "yeah they remind him of his nan don't they Remus half beast half human" Sirius smiles as Remus scoffs
"Your a git" he returns back to his paper.

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