Chapter 10: Evan Rosier

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Athena walks into the ravenclaw dorm room as Pandora wraps her arms around her "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she squeals
Athena hugs her tight "me too, I have so much to fill you up on" she brings her over to a corner so no one can hear, Athena tells her about madeye coming over and talking about the dark lord getting stronger, she tells her his idea about the order of the Phoenix and what he plans to do with it "and he wants to talk to Dumbledore about it" Athena explains
Pandora shakes her head "it's a brilliant idea but who would join it?" She asks
Athena whispers "Me and my sisters would" She stand up "I've had enough of that Voldemort ruin everyone's lives, I mean we can't even go down diagon alley without fear of running into death eaters it's ridiculous" She looks down at pandora "I think I'm going to go to bed".

The next morning Athena went down to the great hall and sat down for breakfast, she opened a book called fantastic beasts and where to find them. About half way into the book she was  interrupted by regulus and him friends all cheering "ROSIER ROSIER" they all chant
Snape puts his fingers in his ears "why in merlins name are you being so loud" he gives them all the side eye
Caius Avery was still laughing about what just happened "you should of seen what Evan done mate" he pats Severus on the shoulder and sits next to him, snape clearly looking annoyed "you see that mudblood what was his name" he snaps his fingers and looks at Regulus who was not looking as happy as the rest of the boys
Regulus sighs "his name was Ted Tonks" he avoided eye contact with anyone
Caius still in his fits of giggles "yes" he smiles "him that mudblood in hufflepuff I think in Lucius's year, he was walking down the hall smirking like he owned the place because he won hufflepuffs last quidditch game yeah" he pats the desk "so obviously we all look at each-over and Evan over here" he looks at Evan proudly "hexes him" he laughs
Snape looks at them "and how is that helping you win a quidditch match?" He says in disgust wiping Caius's hand of his shoulder
"Well, think of it he's in the hospital wing he won't be out for his game against Ravenclaws so next game it's us against them" he leans in closer
Athena looked next to Caius to see Regulus siting there with Barty crouch, he didn't look as happy as they other boys he somehow looked disappointed, he caught her eye and gave a slight smile as she turn around in disgust.

Sirius Remus and James made their way and sit across Athena Sirius looked at her face "what's up with you?" He points out
Athena looked up at them "Your brother" she shuts her book "him and his mates they hexed Ted Tonks it's ridiculous Ted is such a sweet boy he didn't deserve that"
Sirius looks at his brother "oh well my brother hasn't been on my good side either recently" he grits his teeth
Athena felt somewhat sorry for regulus she knew he didn't like much of his family and Sirius seemed to be in that category too "Why what's he done to you ?" She asked
"It's those bloody mates of his, they're a bad influence he's been more snobby and spiteful then he usually is" Sirius's face frowns "so that means your up against the slytherins ay?" James changes the subject
"Yeah I guess so" Athena looked over at the Slytherin table once again "let's just hope we don't loose I don't wanna see that smug look on Lucius Malfoys face for the next couple weeks" she stood up "I got to tell Richard the news" she rushed out of the hall and walked up to the ravenclaw common room she entered and saw Richard with Davey and Dirk,  they were playing wizards chess. She rushed over and sat down
Richard nods at her "you alright rabbit" he doesn't take his eyes of the chess board
"There's been a change to the game on Friday" she says as Richard looks up catching his attention "What ?"
"We're up against slytherin" she says quietly
"WHAT" Richard knocks the board over
Davey yells "RICH YOU KNOCKED US OVER" he looks at Richard
Richard say next to Athena whispering "how the hell are we supposed to beat them, we will have to go against Lucius Malfoy if he beats us Athena" he starts panicking
She interrupted him "that's why we can't let him win okay" she looked around at the rest of the ravenclaw students around the common room "well everyone on the teams here we'll practise tonight"
Richard looks at the boys and back at her "Dirk and Davey are good players and so are we 4 strong players we just need to put all effort into it" it looked like a lightbulb appeared on top of Richards head. He stood on the table where the wizards chess was and screams "ATTENTION" all of the ravenclaw common room look up at him "THERE IS QUIDDITCH PRACTISE TONIGHT FOR ALL OF THEY MEMBERS, IF YOU DO NOT SHOW UP YOUR OFF THE TEAM" he yells "OKAY THANK YOU" he sits back down
Athena shook her head "everything with you has to be dramatic" Richard a gave her a warm smile
"No I'm just in it to win it" he looks back at the clock "I have potions with slughorn" he moans "I'll see you at dinner okay we can plan this out with the team" he stands up and walks out.

Athena had  defence against the dark arts so she quickly made her way into the classroom and saw professor keys standing there with a big smile, all the tables and desks are gone and students were standing at each side professor keys claps his hands "now" he walks up and down "duelling a very important thing to learn as a wizard as it's unexpected fast and terrifying" he looks around "I will be picking two students to duel each over, no spells that can seriously harm just blocking and defending okay?" He looks around "who can go first" he looks at each side of the room "you boy" he points at Evan Rosiar "what's your name" professor smiles at him
Evan looked at either side of his friends"Evan Rosiar sir" he says with a smug look
Professor keys nods "Alright Evan stand up for me please and go to the middle" Evan struts over to the middle "now" he looks at they other side "Athena" he smiles at her "could you come and stand at they other side for me" keys points to they opposite side of Evan, Athena walked up, face to face to Evan
Evan winks "I'll go easy on you, don't worry" he smirks
Athena glared into his eyes "No need for that" she replies , she saw regulus in the corner of her eye looking at  both of them. Athena looked at Pandora as she gave a thumbs up and a encouraging smile.
Professor keys claps his hands "Okay" he says loudly "the rules are just to disarm one and other or block it nothing other then that, may the best man or women win" he stands at the side of the two "now shake hands"
Athena looked at Evan and shook his hand he shakes it oddly tight she let go as professor says "ok go to each of your sides and on the count of three" Athena pulled out her wand "1..2...3!"
Before she could say a word Evan Rosier shouts "Depulso" which shot her to the back of the class room, the Slytherins burst out laughing, she stood up and reached for her wand "expelliarmus" she yelled as Evan Rosier's wand flies out of his hand she yelled again "rictusempra!" As Evan Rosier flips over and is on the floor
students were laughing "well done Athena" professor keys claps along with anyone else "two spells in one go" he walks over to her and whispers "nice job kid" he pats heron the back "and that is class dismissed".

Athena walked out of the classroom and Evan Rosier comes behind her "nice game" he caught up to her "it will be even a better of a game on Friday"
Athena tried to walk away from him "Yeah this time you can't really cheat so sucks for you"
"What's that supposed to mean" Evan said with annoyance in his voice
She stopped and turned to him "You hurt Ted Tonks for no exact reason so you can get out of a game with him, you were scared of loosing to a muggleborn" she tried to walk away as Evan grabs the back of her arm
He pulls her back facing him "I was not scared of loosing to him McKinnon he's a mudblood and will always be a mudblood and thinks he can walk around like he owns the place" he let go of her
Athena looked him in the eyes "I think your scared that someone who hasn't grown up all there life with magic can actually beat you" her and Evan face to face before Regulus came up to them
"Everything all right here" he asks
Athena finally broke eye contact "it doesn't matter, goodbye Evan, make sure you remember a halfblood beat you in a duel" she walks away

Athena walked into the hall annoyed and sat next to Richard Davey and Dirk "I hate that Evan Rosier he thinks he's better then everyone because of his blood it's pathetic" she looked at Richard "and he's the worst sore looser I've ever met, he's mad cause I made him do a flip and fall over during a duel" she put some food on her plate
Dirk raises his eyebrow "you beat him in a duel?"
"Yeah I think"
Dirk chuckles "well congratulations, duels aren't easy especially with people like him" he smiles
Richard interrupts "besides he's probably going to cry when we beat him on Saturday".

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