Circus in London

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After the long train ride the main characters are getting ready for the circus. Right now we see the Penguins looking around for the promoter.

Skipper: Ah, come on, come on, come on. Where is he? (Looks around in the audience and finds the promoter) Bingo! If that's not a red blooded American promoter, I don't know what is. We need to get this show on the road. Private! Tell them the eagle has landed.

Private: The eagle has landed! (Talks through the walkie talkie)

Lexis: Good job Private!

Alex: Oh! And keep an eye out for Dubois.

Private: Aye, aye, guvor!

Alex: The promoter is in the house! New York is closer than ever! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, we got a circus to do.

Gloria: Got it.

Lexis: We're on, folks!

Horse 1: Do we go on before or after the dogs?

Alex: Yes.

All Horses: What?

Lexis: He means your act overlaps.

Horse 2: We go in between?

Lexis: Exactly.

Alex: Where's Vitaly? He and Lexis opens.

Horse 2: I don't know.

Alex: Lexis have you seen him?

Lexis: No I've been trying to find him.

Both Alex and Lexis find Stefano.

Alex: Stefano have you seen Vitaly? Hey.

They see Stefano is crying.

Lexis: Stefano what happened. Why the sad little face?

Stefano: Vitaly... he will not go on!

Alex: What?

Stefano: I tried everything I could. (Crying)

Alex: Shhhhh... Wipe away the tears. Calm down.

Lexis: Where is he? I'm sure we can reason with him.

They find Vitaly in a train cart packing a bag. Alex throws a knife near him.

Alex: Vitaly, what are you doing?

Vitaly: You missed.

Alex: Your leaving? You're just gonna walk out on everybody?!

Vitaly: They have good show without me.

Lexis: Look, I got a good left foot, but without my right foot, I can't walk.

Vitaly: You get fake foot, then you walk.

Lexis: I don't want fake foot! OK?

Vitaly: Ugh.

Alex: What happened to "circus stick together"? "The show must go on."

Vitaly: Clichés.

Alex: Come on, man. Stop being this guy! Be the other guy!

Vitaly: What other guy?

Alex: The guy who was all circus! The guy who jumped through hoops! (Takes a ball of yarn) Give me that!

Lexis: Enough with that yarn! What about the act we came up with together you were that confident guy. What happened to that Vitaly?

Vitaly: That Vitaly is no more.

Alex: Listen, man. You may have given up on yourself, but your friends haven't given it on you.
Are you just going to turn your back on them, and sit and eat borscht the rest of your life? Or are you gonna for out there and jump through that tiny little hoop?

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