new house

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WHAT " they both said


Sebastiano POV

"Why would you do such thing Sebastiano aren't you thinking " my father asked

" Father she is my fiancee and I want her by my side" I said totally irritated am not a child any and I Don't want my parents to distroy it more than what they did with this stupid wedding

Son I want to make sure you making the right decision you Don't of to be in a rush" father said again

What the hell. if we're not in a rush why is the wedding so Soon huh tell " I ask raising my voice at the time I regret raising my voice because I receive a slap in my face from my mother

"Sebastiano ivory! Do not use that kind of tone with us" mother Said totally anger

You know you should not use that tone on us. we understand that you do not want to marry arena but if you could just do it for your own good " my mother said and I felt guilty


This is not an full chapter but here a little something

👆👆Those are the new stores

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