my first breakfast with his parents

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The sun light start to shine in my face as I squint my eyes. and I groan inwardly

But the I felt this heavyweight on my body, so I open eye to meet with Sebastiano sleeping on me yep! you read right, his head was in between the valley of my breast and his hands where wrap around my waist

Like what the fuck

' ehm when since you start to Cruse ' Sia my inner thought said

Umm I mean what the heck

I wanted to wake him up but I was looking so peaceful and it was the first time I see him as Mr grumpy pants because of the way he look

I run my hands through his tick hair that felt so nice to do and then I got an idea to massage his hair sulk and he moan

Hey Don't judge me a girl got to take advantage when she can so am taking mine

A knock was on the door so I cover Sebastiano ears so he didn't wake up and answer

"Who is there" I answer

"Umm ma'am sir and ma'am would like for you an Mr ivory to come down for breakfast"  the person on the other side of the door said

" Okay we will be down in a minute thank you" I said and the person left I remove my hands a was trying to get up from under Sebastiano without waking him but the universe just hate me

Because he hold me tighter

" Sebastiano please this not the time for your games so please let me go" but he didn't move he pretend like he was sleeping

I try again but fail

" I will let you go under one occasion" he said

"W-what is it" I was scared because I no that anything that comes out of Sebastiano mouth never came out got so I brace myself

"I want another head massage when I get back from work" he said and he was dead serious

I nod and walk in the bathroom and strip my clothes off I was ready to go in the shower but the door open an there is sebastiano smirking his face off like the psycho he is

" What are you doing" I ask while covering my body

" To take a shower with you an pulse you Don't need to cover your self cause I will see you naked eventually" he said and  Peel the cover from my body an cup my breasts and put buried his face in my neck

His start to trail kisses down my neck an then he start to suck on it and he start to suck harder

I moan I was so enjoying it but I came to my sense when it starts to hurt so I push him away an create some space between us

"  stop this is not the time to do this" I said and cross over in the shower  I didn't wait for him to react I turn on the shower and let  the steam for earlier

Few minutes later

I was done with my shower and I was now ready for breakfast

Walking down the stairs I can hear sebastiano parents an asking for me

" Am here " I answer I easy off the lies Sebastiano would tell them

"Good morning" I said

" Indeed it is" Sebastiano mother said smirking an I guess that's where Sebastiano got that cocky smirk for

" Am guessing you two add an wonderful morning from All those hickeys " she said smiling her face off 

I swear my face was like an tomato an times like this I wish mother nature would open up an swollen  me up

But that just give her more reason to laugh

I look over at Sebastiano and he was too smiling his face off if he wasn't so handsome I would slap that stupid face off

" Dear we are just messing with you Don't worry" she said an it felt like a brick of block was lift off my chest so I give a nervous laugh

An the breakfast table was fill with jokes and laughter I didn't know that sebastiano and his father was so funny

Because when he crack a joke I nearly spill out my tea on his mother

I was the first time I see him so free spirit


After the wonderful breakfast Sebastiano and his father Pablo as he told me to call him went out to work so it was just me an Betty his mother

We were Out in the garden that I didn't no exist I was beautiful with red Roses and sun flowers that smells so sweet

We were looking at Sebastiano baby picture and when Betty and Pablo were younger

There was even a picture with Sebastiano all naked in water boots only and he was showing his ass it was so funny that I couldn't contain my laughter

And Betty was there telling me how naughty Sebastiano was growing up an he always pull prank on them

We were skipping an there was a picture of women around betty age now and another one around age like me and a young new born baby

" Is that you" I ask her pointing on the young woman with dark brown chocolate hair with brown eyes an she nod

" An that my mom she was an wonderful she was the best" she said with a sob so I give her an side hug

" She is an were ever she is she is looking down on you and saying how proud she is of how for you have come " I said trying to lighten up her mood

" Yeah but I think that's why Sebastiano have mental health because he was close to her an that she died Sebastiano was gonna you no he was so close to her and to think that she dy right in front of him that day" she sob an then she starts to have problem breathing

" Hey breathe , breathe in and out come on in out good see you are okay " I told her rubbing her back

She wipe her face an force a simile and got up

" Alright let just forget about this come and help me with dinner our husbands will be home in a sec" she said and walk out the garden

I smile at how strong she is and then follow her

Heyy am so proud of how far I've written

It's 1081 words

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