three epilogue

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Vivienne pov

I agreed to go with sebastiano since he was looking so depressed and there was a part in me that still loved him despise the horrible things he had do to me.

As we walk in Morgan little shop as we enter the door bell signal to Margaret that so one was here. Her head look up towards our direction.

" ohhhh! My favorite couple " she rush up to us as she kiss both the kids as they giggle and run off in the back.

" hi Margaret " this accent where did it come from for it was causing my inside to do back flips right now

Not you going crazy over this psycho ' Subconscious '

Well I think everyone deserves a second chance

A second chance to die that what a second chance mean 'Subconscious ' rool eyes

Well you know what am not gonna have this conversation with you

" Vivienne " the voice broke me out of my mind

" huh!" I said coming out of my zone

" you didn't heard one thing I said didn't you" Margaret ask

" am no could you uhmm repeat " I uttered awkwardly

" I said you should go over there and talk thing out with sebastiano " as she spoke I recognize that he was no longer beside me but around a table

" you think I should you know have the talk?" I ask as I was rethinking about my decision on talking to him

She nod as she push me

I walk over to him and the first thing I could say was " a wonderful view isn't it " like girl where is the view cause uh uh

" yeah " he answered as the was not a loud thick silence in between us. I breath out a sigh as I was about to prepare to say something but he bet me to it

" Vivienne look I know sorry cause undo the damages I have done and I know it can't just sorry my way back into your life but..... please I want to try this time with you for the kids. Like I know I got problems and all but it just me having unsympathetic and I thought that how I treated you was okay I still don't care but am getting help " he was out of breath and I was shocked cause that was the most I have ever heard him say in my life.

He really want this to work. But I just don't know if I should let this be

" look I need time to process this but you can see the kids " before I could say something I was embraced in a hug

But I think after a while he came back to sense and let me go quickly

" sorry " he said running his hand through his hair

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