Chapter 14

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Happily skipping through the slums as the sun sets. People are hurrying home or finding a place to shelter them for the night.

I for one am not worried in the slightest... after all we were the most dangerous thing on these streets, and still are.

A natural mist starts to roll in as I skip down an alley and start to play with some kittys.

A man stumbles into the alley obviously drunk and spots me.

'drunk':"Jiid you.  should get home. It's damgerous To be oit on the streets on ,is.ty nig.gts."

He slurs and I get the message.

"Shouldn't you be gettting home too then Mister?" I ask him walking up to him as the kittens return to their mama.

'drunk':"I am... just..."

He falls asleep slumped against the wall and I giggle and skip by him. But am stopped when a woman with a knife in her hand appears at the alley entrance and spots me and the passed out drunk and smiles malicously.

'woman':"Oh... how lucky me... two for one~"

She pulls out a knife and a grin appears on my face as I slowly draw my scalpels and skip over to her and smile all too innocently whily bending some and tilting my head.

"Two for one? Silly theirs more than two kittys back there."

'woman':"Thats not what I meant."

She says as she trys to stab me but I quickly cut two of her fingers and her thumb off making her drop the knife without her notices.

The knife clatters to the ground along with the three touch stumps as she holds her hand in pain while trying not to scream.

"Well thats what ya get for playing with knifes. They can be dangerous." I say finishing with a giggle and she glares at me.

Hearing a shuffling behind me I see the drunk waking up and he looks over to us and get a little sober.

'drunk':"Whats going on kid?"

"Silly woman lost two fingers and a thumb playing with a knife." I tell him as I move out the way for him to get a good look at the woman.

'woman':"I'll fucking mutilate your corpse brat!"

I hear quickly retreating footsteps and see the drunk running. Sighing I activate my skill and erase his memory of him and smile gleefully at the woman as I draw my scalpels and she sees them and gets confused.

'woman':"And what are those for brat?"

"Silly woman doesn't get the situation she's in does she?"  I say as I slowly skip towards her and she backs up hitting the alley wall.

'woman':"Listen kid, I'm sorry just let me go!"

She pleads and she now sees my all too innocent smile and starts to sob.

"You've already killed people haven't you~ The guilds put a notice out for your arrest." I say as I loom over her and hold the scalpel to her face.

She looks at me in pure fear as my hand muffles her sobs.

"Boo~" I say and her eyes widen and she passes out and I giggle. "I would've ripped you if Rose didn't tell me to bring you in, you're lucky."

I grab the womans nonbleeding hand and drag her by it to the guild where the workers are just closing up.

"Wolf Mommy! I got her!" I say happily gaining everyone's attention.

Rose, Eina and a pink haired female turn to me and Eina and pinky look suprised and Rose just calmly walks over to me and pats my head.

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