Chapter 16

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"New knife."

Bell:"When did you get it?!"

"Just now." I say as I toss his knife back to him.

Lili:"Y/n you can't just take something when people aren't looking."

"I gave it back." I say as I pout.

Welf:"Come on little bit give him a break."

Bell:"Yeah I dont mind."

Lili sighs as I feel her hug me I smile and pick her up and spin her around.

Hephaestus:"Oh yeah Hephaestus said she wanted to talk to you Y/n."

I look at him curious.

Y/n:"What does Smith Mommy want?"

Welf:"I dont know. She just wanted to see you when I mentioned you."

Lili:"Wait Smith Mommy? You've met her before?"

"Uhuh. Smith Mommy made my current and previous blades."


"They were cleavers."

Welf:"Where are they now?"

"Broken. We got mad at Juggernaut and everything went red."

The three of them look at me for a minute. Well mainly Welf and Lili since they know of what happened between my familia and Juggernaut. They decide not to ask about it though.

Bell:"So did Hephaestus have the pieces or something?"

"I... dont know... we sorta collapsed."

Ryuu:"She does, I had retreived them and gave them to her."

"She wasn't mad was she?"

Ryuu shakes her head.

Ryuu:"I wouldn't say so. More concerned for your wellbeing."

I hop up from the table.

"Im going to visit Smith Mommy!"

Without waiting for a response I rush out of the Hostess and make my way to Hephaestus.




Y/n:"Smith Mommy!"

Hephaestus along with Tsubaki look up to see Y/n burst through the door and leaps at Hephaestus.

Hephaestus:"Hey kid how are you?"

Y/n:"I'm good!"

Hephaestus:"Thats good."

Y/n is suddenly picked up and squeezed in a bone crushing hug by Tsubaki.

Tsubaki:"Y/n its been a while!"

Y/n:"Hi Big Sis."

Tsubaki ruffles his hair as she puts him down.

Y/n:"Welf said you wanted to see me?"

Hephaestus:"Yeah for two reasons."

Y/n sits in Hephaestus' lap.

Hephaestus:"One I wanted to see how you are doing. Two I have a present."

Y/n looks at her with sparkles in his eyes.


Hephaestus chuckles as she motions for Tsubaki to go get the present.

A few minutes later she returns with  something wrapped in a cloth and sits it on the table.

Hephaestus:"What do you think it is?"

Y/n:"... I see two handles... more knifes!"


She reaches over and unwraps the two weapons revealing two cleavers. One had a serrated blade while the other had a straight blade, both clearly as sharp as they could be.

Y/n:"My cleavers!"

Y/n jumps up with stars in his eyes as he picks the cleavers up and starts swinging them around.

Y/n:"We can chop again!"

Hephaestus chuckles as Y/n expertly swings the cleavers around and Tsubaki watches in slight awe.


After swinging my cleavers a couple times I turn to Smith Mommy with a happy smile and hug her again.

"Thank you Smith Mommy!'

She pats my head and I giggle.

Hephaestus:"Couldn't just let it sit broken gathering dust, say Hi to Astraea for me."

"I will. Bye Smith Mommy, Smith Sis!"

I skip out of their familia home and back to the Hostess to see a female with slate blue hair trying to touch Big Sis.

Grabbing a plate I throw it at her hitting her in the head and then hug Bis Sis.

"No touching Big Sis!"

Now looking at her I recognise her as Ardi Varma and her sister is also here Shakti.

Ryuu:"Y/n their was no need for that."


I glare at Ardi as I hug Big Sis and she stares at me with a pout.

Shakti:"Oh Y/n how are you doing?"


Ardi:"Why can't I touch her!?"

"Big Sis doesn't want you to touch her!"

Shakti:"Ardi stop it. You never win arguments with him."

Ryuu:"Oh so Hephaestus fixed your cleavers?"

"Yep! Things can be chop chop chopped!"

Shakti:"That remind me I wanted to thank you for catching that serial killer."

"Oh its fine it was no trouble for us."

She nods as im suddenly picked up.

"Bad kitty!"

Anya:"Y/n meow~!"

"Let me go!"

Anya:"Call mewn big sis nyagain meow~!"

"No!" I say as I struggle in her grip.

Ryuu:"Anya let him go, dont you have something to give him?"

Anya:"Nyi want him to call mewn big sis first meow~!"

"Big sis can you let me go?"


She sets me down and I look at her. She takes out a lolipop and I stare at it with stars in my eyes as she gives it to me.

Anya:"Their nyu go."

"Thank you big sis!"

She pats my head as I down and start to lick the lolipop and swing my legs.


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