Chapter - 33

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Happy reading 🌻

Orson 🌙

I knew my plan succeeded when she willingly asked me to leave but was it worth anything anymore? I wanted her to be safe, that's why I tried so hard for her to stay away from me. I didn't want her to get hurt by staying beside me. And I'm causing her too much pain by doing so. Does she deserve this? Absolutely not.

My Evelyn deserves the world.

And she doesn't even know she's my whole world. My only world.

At this instant, watching her ball up and wither in pain, I almost died inside. I felt her pain deep inside my core but the pain wasn't what is killing me. The reason is.

I wish I wasn't born the way I was. I wish my life was different. I wish I didn't have to hide behind this fake mask all the time. I wish I could just stop hurting my mate. I don't want to see her hurting this much right before my eyes. And what has my heart aching is, that she thinks that I hate her. She thinks that I'm hurting her on purpose.

Who's gonna tell her that she's the light in my darkness? Who's gonna tell her I think about her even when I'm not thinking? Who's gonna tell her that I live for her? Who's gonna tell her that every fucking cell in my body revolves around her?

Who's gonna tell her that I love her more than anything?

I watched from the bathroom doorway as her father got her out of that bath tub and she slowly make her way into the closet. The next second I was pushed against the wall with two hands fisted up in my shirt collar. "Get out of here!" Her father seethed. I was limp against his hold. I couldn't even look at him with the guilt eating at me. I wouldn't even have protested if he threw me outside, but Stella stepped in and got him off of me.

"His presence, it could help Evelyn", she reasoned. After a few tugs from his wife, he finally let me go and stomped out of the room. My mate walked out of the closet in dry clothes and barely made it to the bed before stumbling over nothing. Josh was there the next instant, holding her up against him, he helped her lay on the bed. She immediately curled up on herself.

"I'm going to pack some of her clothes, we have to take her to the heat room." Stella informed J and disappeared into the closet. Some time later, I was trailing behind Josh who was carrying my mate to the infirmary. I asked to let me carry her but my words fell on deaf ears. I kept quiet because I know I deserve everything she throws at me.

Even silence.

The heat room, as they called was a small room on the basement. It had some shelves, a bathroom and a single-cot bed in the center. Stella was already there, and was making the bed with some fresh sheets. I chose the corner across from the bed and stood there, with my arms crossed and head hung low.

And I stood like that for the rest of that night.

Evelyn 🌕

I wasn't sure what time it was, it seemed like early morning, 6 or something when I woke up feeling thirsty. Just as I lifted my hand towards the pitcher, a glass of water was shoved right in front of my face. I blinked a few times, before meeting my mate's eyes. I quickly looked down and took the glass from him. I looked around the room only to find out that it's just the two of us inside.

Like reading my mind, he spoke "Your friend went for a walk. Stella went back home just now."

I only nodded, gulping the water in one go.

The air filled with an awkward silence with both of us avoiding to look at each other. I slipped off the bed and started making my way to the bathroom, and without missing a beat, my mate followed me close behind.

The pain wasn't unbearable at the moment. But my mom did say that it would come and go in waves for the next two days. I guess I didn't care about this pain anymore. But I don't know how long I can put up with all this... this humiliation. I tried for a month but I'm scared that this how I'm gonna spend the rest of my life. Fighting for someone who doesn't want me, I don't even know how I managed to put up with it for a whole month. And to think some people goes through it for years!

I came out of the bathroom and just as I was about to get in my bed once more, a hand wrapped around my wrist. For a moment I didn't know whether to punch him or hug him, because his touch sent a spiral of shiver and fury through me. I didn't know if I should ask him, 'Who the fuck do you think you are to touch me?' or 'What took you so long?'. And I was glad that I wasn't looking at his face at that moment.

"Evelyn... Please talk to me, please." He said voice just above a whisper. I had half a mind to tell him to go fuck himself but I restrained from doing so. I yanked my hand from his grip and turned to face him. I crossed my hands over my chest and took a step away from him. "You want me to talk? Okay I'll talk," I shrugged my shoulders "You can leave."

Nothing seemed to even move for a minute.

"What do you mean?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"If it's so hard for you to accept me...I'll make it easy for you. You can reject me on the upcoming full moon day." I said as a tear slipped down my face. A painful whimper left my wolf's mouth but she didn't fight with me. She knew why we were doing it.

I couldn't look at him. I couldn't look at my mate afraid that he'll be relieved by my words. "I'm doing this for you. If you'll be happy without me then I'll gladly give that to you." My voice came out as a whisper but I was sure he heard me loud and clear. I looked up at him with teary eyes. His mouth was a little open, but other than that I couldn't see any emotion. I forced a smile, "After all I'd do anything for my mate."

And just as I said that, something happened. J burst into the room with blood dripping down his nose and covered in dirt. Whatever trace of sadness I've been feeling, washed off instantly at the sight of my beat up best friend.

"What the fuck happened? I thought you went for just a walk!?" I yelled marching towards him. He was panting heavily as he wiped the blood off his face.

"Ke-Keagan is challenging you."


A/n :

I know this update is too late and too short but trust me, I couldn't make it any better than this. I've been working on this chapter since I updated the last one but I didn't like the way I was putting my words. It was super frustrating. And then I got sick and got my period the same day. That was awful. So I promised myself that I would update this chapter today no matter how short it is, just so I can move on to the next one. I promise you that the next update won't be this late. I'm seriously grateful for every single soul that reads my story. I appreciate you so much.

Word Count : 1385

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