Chapter - 43

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Happy reading 🌻

Evelyn 🌕

The realization of things shook me to my core. I started to wonder if that was how much my sister hated me. Enough to bring the peace of our whole home to shambles. Just because I was the first-born and inherited the alpha title. A bitter chuckle left me at that. She's got a problem with me and she didn't have to drag all these innocent people in this shit for no valid reason. 

I caught her wrist in my hand in a painful grip, "You better fucking tell me what the hell have you done?" Edith struggled to get out of my hold but I was running out of patience so I grabbed her other hand slammed her to the wall. She wailed in pain, a few tear streaks slipping from her eyes. "Tell. Me. Now."

"I-I'm really go-going to my mate, leave me alone." she cried. "Were you the one who told Keagan about my condition?"  Edith shook her head, "I didn't tell him." I tightened my hold on her, "Maybe ask that loyal dog of yours. The one you call your best friend. He cou-" I don't know what came over me but the second I heard her call my best friend a dog, I slapped her hard. Edith held her cheek, stunned.

We've fought before, she have punched, I tore her shoulder apart but never once we've slapped each other. The slap felt more humiliating than any punches I've ever thrown that even I realized how wrong it was. 

Something snapped in her eyes and before I could utter a sorry she pushed me so hard that I fell and my head hit the wall. My eyeballs shook from the impact and I almost puked then and there. "Ughh" I groaned clutching the back of my head. "I did not tell that stupid no use Keagan. I told Azazel."

My blood froze.

"What?" my voice came out as a mix of whisper and whimper. "Why?"

"Because he treated me better than you ever have. He respected me. And importantly he is my mate."

I didn't know if the world started spinning or if it was my head. Azazel is her mate? What is she even talking about? My eyes spun, the ringing in my ears did not stop at all. "Don't trust him" I said but she did not hear me at all. She got her things and walked past me like nothing. "Edith no, don't go" I somehow got up but she was fast. Before descending down the steps she paused and gave me a look and I saw blood seeping out of her torn lips, "I don't know how that she-wolf got this information from my mate but this has nothing to do with me or him." she said and went off. 

'No he has everything to do with it'  I thought but I was in too much of pain and confusion to utter those words aloud.

"No.." my voice didn't reach her. Shit, what is happening? "Josh please..."  I slid down the wall outside her bedroom hoping someone would get to me before I passed out. Fortunately J did. He came up and the second he saw me slumped on the hallway he panicked. "Evie what's wrong?" 

I climbed up to my feet with his help, "Edith she.. she" I felt breathless and couldn't even form proper words. "Did she do this to you?" he asked and I couldn't even nod. "I know what she did." I said and felt my best friend stiffen beside me. 

"I heard her talking on the phone with someone, she wasn't leaking information Evie, she was just ranting. I heard her. I think someone is using her." he said as he got me to my room and laid me on my bed. I realized that's what he heard while we were walking to the neutral ground before running off. I chugged the glass of water he gave and felt my sight clear a bit. I took some deep breaths and tried to calm my heart. I wondered if Azazel was the boyfriend she mentioned that day. 

If he was, then she is in danger. I don't know what lies that animal spewed to her and I didn't even know if she knew who Willow actually was. With what she said before leaving, she most probably didn't. And I let her go straight into his maws. Goddess what have I done! Maybe if I wasn't so violent then she would've listened to me. Maybe I could've stopped her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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