Chapter - 34

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Happy reading 🌻

Third Person's POV :

            "Ke-Keagan is challenging you." Josh said breathlessly.

There was a cold silent that hung around the air for a minute. "Why are you bleeding?" Evelyn asked as she tried to comprehend the news. "Got in fight with the imbecile that brought this." Josh said wiping the blood with the back of his hand and limped towards her. Reaching to the back of his shirt, Josh pulled out a red envelope that had a wax seal of the Quarter Moon Pack. Evelyn felt rage build inside her just looking at the envelope. 

It was mandatory to send a letter in a red envelope to the pack, the Alpha is challenging at least a day prior. It was one of the stupid rules that the werewolf council has created among so many other stupid rules. What does a red envelope gonna do? Why can't it be a normal envelope? Why can't it be a damn e-mail? Guess, a letter in a red envelope makes things a little more dramatic than an e-mail or text saying, "Heads up, gonna kill you tomorrow."

Evelyn ripped the red envelope open and started reading the letter. 


Evelyn Isana Shyne, Alpha of the Firemoon Pa-'

"Read it aloud", J said and sat on the floor leaning back on his hands, eyes closed. Evelyn walked to her bed side table and took a glass of water and passed it to her best friend. As Josh gulped down the water, Evelyn started to read the letter out loud. 

" To

Evelyn Isana Shyne, Alpha of the Firemoon Pack. 


Keagan Latimer, Alpha of the Quarter Moon Pack.

This letter is to inform you that, I, Keagan Latimer will be challenging your title on the upcoming full moon day on the neutral grounds by the first light of the night, in the presence of the Luna (The Moon). I believe you won't hide behind daddy's back-" Evelyn gritted her teeth and her hold on the paper tightened almost tearing the edges off, "-and make this easy for me. If you wish to not fight, all you have to do is get on your knees, to beg of course. Be prepared to be humiliated."

Oh and there is no rule stating to be respectful to one other.

Evelyn balled the letter and threw it as far away as she could. "I'm gonna rip his balls off" she snarled, showing her elongated canines. "Woah woah woah. You're not gonna fight him, are you?" came Orson's voice as concerned as ever. Evelyn shot him a glare, "Who do you think I am? Just because I let you fucking walk all over me doesn't mean I'm gonna sit by and watch some sick son of a bitch disrespect me. I'm going to fucking kill him." Evelyn's eyes shone a bright violet, her alpha tone bouncing off the walls with such authority. 

But that did nothing to Orson. He took a step closer and clasped his hand around her shoulder, "Evelyn, you're on your heat. You are NOT going anywhere until your heat ends!" Orson's voice deepened at each word he spoke. Evelyn shook his hands off her and pushed him back. "You don't get to say what I should and shouldn't do." She turned to Josh, "When is the upcoming full moon?"

Josh took his phone out and looked it up. His eyes widened a little as he lifted his head up to meet Evelyn's eyes. "Tomorrow", he muttered with doubt in his eyes. "Oh hell no. You're not going Evelyn!" Orson yelled, pointing a finger at her. 

All Evelyn could feel at the moment was red hot rage. All the pain and suffering of the heat long forgotten. She wanted blood. And she was going to get it. "Why do you care? You're going to reject me anyway. This doesn't concern you. This is about me and my pack."

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