Chapter Twenty: The Edge of a Precipice

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I must've lost my mind.

That's the only reason I can come up with. What else would make me think it was okay to pick a fight with a grown man?! And not even a normal man! William is a trained soldier in the royal guard.

If Finn was here, he'd be absolutely losing it.

But that's exactly why I need him around! When he's not here, I make stupid, emotional-fueled threats and get myself into way more trouble that I'm worth. The little pendant on my neck thumps against my skin, begging me to look at it. I concede, only to find the little fish swimming in angry circles. Poor guy. Even now, I'm stressing him out.

"I'm not fighting her, Eero!" William shouts angrily from a short distance away.

About half an hour has passed since I challenged the guard. Eero steered us both to separate patches of grass on opposite sides of the training field and left me to talk to his friend. Now, they're facing off. William's cheeks are growing redder by the second, but the prince remains calm. Infuriatingly calm.

Does he not feel emotion?

"Why not? Scared you'd lose?" Eero taunts, arms crossed over his chest.

I don't quite know why he's so adamant about us sparring. Does he want me to get hurt?

... Probably.

"No!" William replies. "She's a girl! I can't fight a girl."

Eero scoffs. "Don't be sexist. She doesn't care that you're a whiny boy. Obviously, she's up for the challenge, or she wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge you."

He clearly doesn't know me very well, because that is exactly what I am.


William throws his hands up. "My reputation's on the line, Eero! I won't take it easy on her."

The prince turns his head and meets my fake-confident gaze. "Do you want him to take it easy on you, rød fisk?"

Regardless of how big of a mistake this challenge was, I absolutely do not want pity. Not because I'm a maid. Not because I'm immensely shorter than him. And definitely not because I'm a girl.

"No," I answer, straightening my back. "Because I won't take it easy on him." Neither of them knows I'm a trained soldier. Maybe I can use that to my advantage. Surely it can't be that much different than sparring with a fin.

Eero laughs. "Good! You shouldn't." With a grin, he steps back and looks between us. "Shall we let the lady pick the weapon, then?"

William, still grumbling and pouting, says, "Guess that'll give her an advantage."

He has no idea just how much of one. I consider pulling out my own dagger, but that would give away what little surprise I have left. Close combat is what I'm best at, and a borrowed blade will do the job.

"Daggers," I say. "Short, preferably."

Both of the men study me with shock. It must seem like a silly choice. A sword would put much-needed distance between us, giving me room to assess his movements and find gaps. It'll also allow me more space to dodge and block.

I'm just not sure how balanced I can be with a heavy weapon in my hand. If it was wooden, maybe I could handle it, but something tells me Eero isn't going to allow us fake arms.

I've studied plenty of books detailing sword-use among humans. Some of the scrolls even had diagrams. With legs or a fin, I know what my body should do. Can I actually perform these maneuvers, though?

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