Prologue - Mission Start

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On a train to Berlint, a seemingly ordinary salaryman was seen enjoying his coffee while reading his morning newspaper. Unbeknownst to the passengers around him though, he wasn't actually reading it to entertain himself from the long ride nor to keep up with the recent news.

This man, a spy known by his moniker "Twilight" by his colleagues and enemies alike, was actually decoding the paper in his hands for his next mission. However, the moment he received the instructions that he must "have a child" in order to get close to his target, his spat on his coffee mid-sip due to shock. As he continued to read further, he learned that he was only given a week to prepare everything.

Incredulous, Twilight ended up tearing his newspaper in half.

"How the hell am I suppose to have a child in a week?!"


Twilight noticed the stares from the nearby passengers on his person. Immediately, he cleared his throat in apology. "Excuse me"

When the attention was no longer on him, he resumed reading the rest of the mission details which was pretty much emphasizing the importance of the job for the continued peace of the two feuding countries Westalis and Ostania.

Lowering his newspaper, Twilight stared out of the window in thought.

He had already thrown away his identity and face as Twilight. Surely, paying the part as a father of a child couldn't be that much different.

Just one tiny bit of a problem though.

According to the instructions, he was told that for this mission he was to act as Loid Forger.

At that, Twilight contemplated.

The name Loid Forger was an alias that he had been painstakingly maintaining for over the last three years. Originally, the name was used on a mission involving a politician but after that mission had ended, WISE eventually decided for Twilight to maintain that cover. Because as Loid Forger, he would have credibility as a member of a prominent family and, most importantly, connections to Ostania's elite which he could use to his advantage.

At least, that was how Twilight had worded it when he first suggested the idea to his superiors. Truthfully, he only did that because he didn't want to leave you. The owner of his heart who brought the bit of normality in his chaotic work life. His wife.

And now, this happened. All of a sudden, WISE wanted him to use his cover as Loid Forger in this mission. And to do that, he would have to find a child. Somehow.

The worst part was he couldn't accomplish this assignment alone without the child. Not if he was to do this as Loid Forger - who was a known committed husband. If he brought an unknown kid and claimed them as his own when everyone and their grandmother knew that you hadn't given him one, there'd be a scandal.

Twilight couldn't afford a scandal. That would just bring unwanted attention to himself. His mission would fail before it could take off, which was just the last thing he wanted.

So in short, he have no choice but to involve you into his mission. Without telling you the whole truth.

If that was even possible.

Sighing, Twilight leaned back his head further.

"How on earth am I going to explain this to her?"

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