Here comes Grandmama!

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Your mother took of her sunglasses and smiled.

"Hello, Rosie dear."

Two of you exchanged kisses in the cheek.

"You're here," you said, stepping back to allow your husband to give his greetings. "Not that I'm not glad to see you but aren't you supposed to be out of the town for the whole week to attend Evamore's branch opening?"

"The grand opening happened yesterday actually. And since I have no other business left to do there, I decided to come back earlier than I planned," she explained before turning to face your husband again, "Loid dear. How have you been? It's been a while since I last saw you."

"I'm fine as always, mother. Thank you for asking," Loid responded with a smile as he ushered her inside, "Please come in. You may have to excuse us for the mess though."

"That's alright. You're still in the process of unpacking your things after all," she said, taking off her fur coat as she eyed the boxes and furniture scattered around the floor.

Franky was just exiting the living room when the three of you were heading there. "Oh, I didn't know you have another guest," your mother stated with a surprised blink, "I think I remember you from the wedding. Frank, was it? Our Loid's friend?"

"It's Franky. Franky Franklin," the man corrected, moving to shake her hand which she returned, "And yes, I'm his friend. Nice meeting you again, ma'am."


As the their hands separated, Franky said, "Well, as much as I wanted to stay and chat some more, I'm afraid I have to take my leave."

"So soon?"

Franky sent your mother a sheepish smile. "I still have an important appointment to go to. Can't exactly miss it."

"Thanks again fot helping us out today, Franky," you told him.

"Like I said, it's fine," and with a last wave, he finally excused himself.

With Franky gone, the older woman began scanning her surroundings again, "Now, where exactly is my new granddaughter? I don't think I see her anywhere."

"She's upstairs," you said.

"I'll go get her," but before Loid could do so, Anya appeared as she came running back into the room.

"Mama! Papa! I found a secret path that leads to the attic!" she exclaimed.

"You better not have climbed up there," Loid said with a frown.

"Anya hasn't! Promise!"

It was then when she finally noticed an unknown person who was peering down at her. Embarrassed at the attention of a stranger, she ran and hid behind your skirt.

"So this is Anya Forger, hmm?"

The girl stared at her smiling features for a few seconds. "...You're Mama's Mama."

Your mother grinned at the title. "Yes, that's right! I'm Eva - your Mama's Mama." Spreading her arms, she beckoned her to come forward. "Now come over here and let me hold you!"

"Go on," Loid gently prodded her towards her direction.

With his encouragement, a shy Anya let herself be pulled towards the older woman's arms.

"Aw, just look at you! Such a lovely little girl you are!" cooed your mother as she rubbed her began to rub her reddening cheeks with her own. "My little strawberry~!"

"Mom, please control yourself. Look at Anya," you gently chided as you watched your poor daughter flail and flush heavily from her affections.

The woman pulled away a little to look at you. "But I can't help it. You know how I adore the thought of grandchildren and here you two are - you've finally given me one!" She turned back to Anya. "From now on, feel free to call me Grandmama, okay dear heart?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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