56. Finale

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This chapter is dedicated to Cassie; with many thanks for supporting me on Patreon. Thank you! It makes all the difference to me.

I looked down at myself, and saw a big gash in my shorts. Normally I wouldn't have cared so much about something like that; I would have been more concerned about checking for any injury on the skin beneath. But Nadine stared in disbelief, and I knew that my biggest secret had been revealed. I didn't know what I could say that would make this any better, I just froze where I was standing, and I knew I was about to cry.

Somewhere on the inside, a part of my mind was racing, trying to pin the blame on someone so I could fantasise about revenge. And even that didn't work. Mum couldn't have foreseen this, and had given me a punishment that I kind of wanted. Lindy had tried to get me in trouble with Mum, but she didn't have control over what my punishment had been, and in any case she'd kind of been justified after what I'd put her through with the bedwetting. No, the only person to blame today was myself. I'd started this whole thing, and as much as I loved to be babied, I was glad to be at the end of that path. If only I'd been able to keep it secret for another hour.

"Here," Nadine said, grabbing my jacket and tying the sleeves around my waist. "Don't want anybody to see your underwear, right? Now calm down. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. I was just surprised. I mean, you..."

"I'm sorry, I was just so embarrassed." I automatically leaned forward and hugged her. I knew that was a childish reaction, but it was the only one that came into my head. I was scared she would think I was some kind of freak; or I'd be bullied for the whole of the year. But hiding it, and not laughing, made me think she understood how I was feeling. She was my best friend, no matter what, and she would never joke about something that actually hurt me.

"Okay, it's no big deal. Maybe I didn't see... what I thought I saw. I know that's like, a really personal problem, and I don't want to–"

"No, no!" I gasped, not wanting her to even think that. I fished around for excuses, and the only one that seemed to make sense was almost the truth. "No, it's not that. It's... my punishment for teasing Lindy. Kind of. It's like this whole thing happened, Lindy ended up having to wear them again for a bit, and Mum said I should too. Lindy's more likely to go along with it if she's not the only one, and I was so mean to her in the past, and..." I choked up and started sobbing then, not sure what I should be saying. I had come up with a reason for the diaper; one that was close to the truth. And then mixed up whether it was for punishment or for sympathy. The more I said, the more likely she was to realise that it wasn't the full truth. And I couldn't have that, because the well of secrets was so deep and dark by now that I didn't even know if I could reach the bottom.

No, I was wearing diapers because Mum insisted. Punishment for teasing Lindy. That was something she could understand and sympathise with. Better than believing I was incontinent or something, anyway. But if she somehow guessed what I'd done to Lindy, she'd think I was a monster. If she knew I enjoyed it, how could she ever respect me again? That would be way worse than any medical reason. But the demon on my shoulder was begging me to tell her the truth. I'd kept those secrets bottled up for so long, and I knew I was going to burst if I couldn't share it with somebody. At least part of it, if I could find some portion that didn't leave so many unanswered questions. But how could I do that? I knew there was no way.

"I understand," Nadine nodded. "Still your best friend, you know? If you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen. And–" then an expression of shock crossed her face. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"


"I asked you how you'd feel if somebody treated you like a kid! I was like, trying to get you to imagine how I felt about the sex thing. So you could tell me if I'm weird for getting bent out of shape over it, you know? But it must have sounded like..."

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