The message

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 The picture is similar to a car that was left for Lindsay from the rich side of her family. This family is also no longer with her.

As we continued on in the drive I got a little bit more upset. I didn't even know where to start looking for this thing. I didn't even think this through. I was beginning to get tired, I knew being sleep deprived wasn't what was needed for this trip. If I was going to do this for my parents, then I needed to be fully rested, and be in good health. 

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and Lizzie was still asleep. I went in and checked into a room. As I went back out to the car to get Lizzie, I felt something or someone following me. I got to the car and opened the door to reveal a sleeping, snoring Lizzie. She sounded like a freaking black bear for god's sake. How was I going to get sleep tonight. 

I shook her awake and said, ¨Lizzie, take our stuff to our room please. I need some fresh air and want to check something out.¨ She nodded and took our stuff. I made sure to grab a knife from the back seat, because whoever was following me was going to get it. I was not to be messed with right now. I saw a shadow move to the left in the alley. I edged closer than I would have liked, and peered in. I heard a rustling noise in the very back of the alley, I knew I shouldn't but I did. I started making my way to the back of the alley and came to a stop when the noise was behind me. I felt hot a breath on my neck as if someone were trying to whisper something to me. 

¨You're looking for him aren't you? You're looking for the murderer of your parents. I know where you can find him. Just one thing in return.¨ He stated.

¨Who are you? What do you want? How do you know what or who I'm looking for?¨ I bombarded him with questions.

¨You don't need to know me. I know who you're looking for because he told me to look for you. He said you would be passing through here. He told me to give you a message.¨ He stated.

¨Well, are you going to tell me?¨ I asked impatiently.

¨He said and I quote, 'If you wish to find me, you must seek someone like you. Search the asylums through and through. To go in it will be rough, but knowing you, you are tough. Find the person just like you and he can help find me to. You have a lot in common, I know for sure, but if you find me you will get hurt. I am in a small town hard to find, but all you have to do is search your mind. Good luck little girl.' ¨ With that he walked away as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. I tried to get my head around it, but could find out what it meant.

I walked to the hotel room and plopped ever so gracefully on the bed. In all reality I looked like I was falling off the top of a cliff. Once I got in bed and I was comfortable, I fell asleep. When I fell asleep he came in a dream state.

¨So, you got my message. Good, I'm glad because if you didn't I would have to find another way and that other way wouldn't be nice.¨ His voice was so menacing when he said this.

 ¨Its not like you actually care about hurting people. What does the message mean? How do I know what guy to look for? I don't think he'll really a stranger come to him and say 'hey a ghost told me to find you and team up.'¨ I said sarcastically.

¨Be careful how you talk to me. I am the strongest demon you'll ever meet.¨ He barked.

 ¨How do I know what town to pick?¨ I asked. I can't believe this was happening in a dream.

 ¨Search your mind. When you find this guy, you'll know. You know how I know. You'll put it together how and why I killed them. All you have to do is concentrate.¨

¨Why are you helping me? Do you want me to find you and kill you? And at least tell me this guy's name so I know who to look for. I think that's the least you could do.¨

 ¨Fine, his name is Dimitri Black. Also, I'm helping you because I want to see you suffer when you find out my reasoning. After you and Dimitri figure it out, then I will kill you both. Oh, and I almost forgot. Your friend will die to.¨ He laughed the vanished.

I woke up gasping and in a cold sweat. I got up and went to the window, looking out I could see the stars. Wishing I could be one of them because they looked like they were at peace. I wanted nothing more than my parents to be here, then I wouldn't have to be on this crazy journey. So I have to search asylum's. Peaceful, I thought. Where on Earth am I going to find a Dimitri Black. How could I find him? How would I even approach him. I went down to the lobby, which was eerie because it was so dark, and turned on a computer. I decided I was going to do a search on him. I typed Dimitri Black into the computer and something pops up. I'm good with extensive research. I can pretty much look anything up and find anything I want, even if it was deleted or removed. I can still recall all of it.

I found a lot of things about him, but was only interested in a few things. It said his parents were killed, just like mine, but the cops think it was a person that killed them. It wasn't and we both knew it. He had no bad background, he has obeyed the law. People think he is crazy because he keeps saying it wasn't a human that killed his parents. It was a demon. He had scars like mine, exactly like mine. The computer said that he could be located in, Britain! What? Why does it have to be there of all places. I didn't want to go to the U.K. I've been driving for days and this demon expects me to fly.

I went back up to our room and Lizzie wasn't in bed. I started to panic, thinking someone took her. That was until I heard the shower. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the bed. When I hit the bed I fell asleep to a dreamless dream, thankfully.

I awoke the next morning with a headache and a growling stomach. I was in pain already. Maybe going four and a half days without sleep isn't so great after all. I took some aspirin that was in my bag and relief finally came to my head. I hollered in at Lizzie to tell her I was going to get food. ¨Ok, just bring back something good.¨ She responded. 

I brought back a load of Chinese, which I haven't ate since my parents died. Lizzie looked at it and I could have sworn she started drooling. ¨I love you so much.¨ Was all she said before she dug in.

¨I know. What would you do without me?¨ I remarked and dug into my own food. It was so good, I just couldn't help a small smile.

¨Is that a smile I see? Lindsay Cameron, I can't believe you're actually smiling. I haven't seen that in awhile. You should do it more often.¨ She smiled at me.

¨I know I don't smile much and I'm sorry. But, I just can't seem to find anything worth smiling for. You're going to hate me for this, but we have to go to Britain.¨ I started waiting for her reaction. ¨I know it's a long way, but I have to find someone there.¨

She nodded, ¨Ok, whatever you need let's go. But, may I ask why you need to find someone?¨ She asked trying not to test the boundaries. 

¨Ok, this is going to sound crazy, but, the thing that killed my parents, told me in order to find him and kill him I need to find this guy, Dimitri Black.¨ 

¨So, in order to do this you have to find a stranger?¨ She questioned.

¨Apparently so. He sent me a message through someone. He told them to tell me or the consequences would be terrible. He said, 'If you wish to find me, you must seek someone like you. Search the asylums through and through. To go in it will be rough, but knowing you, you are tough. Find the person just like you and he can help find me to. You have a lot in common, I know for sure, but if you find me you will get hurt. I am in a small town hard to find, but all you have to do is search your mind. Good luck little girl.' I don't know what it's about, but I'm going to find out. So, I think we should leave as soon as we can. Maybe after we're done here.¨ She nodded her head in approval and we began to eat again. I had forgotten what food tasted like, seeing as I hadn't eaten in a few days. 

When we finished we cleaned up and headed out. Off to Britain to find a strange man. Didn't know how this was going to turn out, but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be good. And when something didn't feel right I usually didn't go with it, but what choice did I have. I have to do this for my parents and unborn sibling. I had to get revenge. If I got killed trying so be it. But, I had this really strong urge to turn around and forget it. Something didn't seem right. But, I was going to find out. My thoughts were consuming me and I didn't see the oncoming car before it was right there.

 Until next time. Thanks for reading. Comment and share. I hope you enjoy it. 

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