A Spider's Web

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John just got out of bed. He looked at his surroundings. He was in his usual bed, but the area he was in was a... A forest.

He panics, and runs arounds the forest, forgetting his phone on the bed. Eventually, John gets lost, and can't find his way back. *CLICK*

Suddenly, John heard a clicking sound, but not like a light switch. It sounded like an insect. John's breathing got louder and louder as he ran away. The clicking got closer and closer until it caught him.

John ran into a spider web. John hears his phone start to ring, and Johns spots his bed int the distance. He tries to get himself off of the web, but it doesn't work. He can't even get his head to move. He screamed for help, but he felt its legs touch him.

It was a giant spider, but it wasn't any giant spider. Its body was Neon Green, like a highlighter. It screeched in his ear. The webs started to stretch out, and grab onto John even more. It wrapped around him for minutes until the whole web was gone. The only thing that was sticking out of the web was his face.

The spider gets ready to eat John, but then his vibrating phone falls off of his bed, alerting the spider. It runs after it, looking for it. John rolls around, trying to break the web. John sees a hill, and decides to roll down it. The spider doesn't see him to it. The web didn't break, but John fell onto the dirt as he landed.

John then feels a drop of water fall on the web. Another one falls, then it starts to rain, and then pour. Somehow, the web refuses to let go of John. The dirt under John starts to turn into mud. He starts to sink into it until the rain stops, right at his neck. John feels sleepy, but can't resist the temptation. He falls asleep.

He wakes up still stuck in the mud, or what was mud. The mud dried up while he was sleeping, letting it harden. *SCREECH* The same spider is looking for John. He worries because he is stuck in the ground.

The webs help John climb out of the hole, but then roll towards the spider. The spider stops screeching, and holds John as it climbs to the top of a tree.

         The spider sticks John onto a tree before leaving him alone. John wiggles around to break the web, but it doesn't work, and instead, gets him off of the tree. John rolls down the many spiderwebs, and in the center. John lands on his belly, with his face nearly touching the web. The web latches onto his face, covering his entire body.

         The web climbs through his clothes, hair, and even mouth. It stopped after it has reached every part of his body that still has movement. John now realizes that this giant spider isn't just a giant spider, it's a giant, radioactive spider!

The webs get thinner and thinner until it forms a suit around John. The suit makes him walk back to the tree, and stay there. The spider comes back to John, and... You know what happened...

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