Alien Saliva

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This story story takes place in 2030. The world has been destroyed by a "experimental nuke", but a couple groups of humanity survived. They found each other and started society again.

Together, they knew it wasn't safe in Earth anymore if the nuke that almost caused humans to go extinct was never found. People started to fear that the nuke would go off again and the world would go into chaos, or worse, even silence.

After a couple of years, now in 2030, a group of young astronauts decided to dedicate 3 years of their life to prepare for the "New Planet To Live On" Project.

One of the young astronauts is a 15 year old teenager, "Ben." They were very excited about the mission when they were told they were e xd going to be boarding the rocket soon.

Finally, once the crew had buckled themselves into the rocket, it launched, off to find a new planet. Some were nervous, others were excited.

After a couple of hours, the crew landed on a Earth like planet. They landed and got out of the ship. Ben was the first one to go, but not willing to.

But as soon as Ben had stepped out, the ground from beneath him collapsed. Ben fell onto the ground. The hole that he fell through closed back up, leaving Ben in the darkness.

Weirdly enough, Ben felt a tickling sensation all around his body. Ben tried to get up to feel or see whatever was tickling him and making him laugh uncontrollably, but red eyes glowed in fromt of him.

The red eyes made Ben feel weird. Ben felt as if he needed to stare into the eyes, even though he knows he doesn't one to. His face and entire body were stuck in his very uncomfortable position, staring at the red eyes.

Unfortunately, the tickling sensation kept on going, but Ben couldn't move at all, or stop it. Ben's frozen open mouse had drool dripping out of it, and his back started to feel itchy.

It was not until the red eyes faded away Ben could move again, or could he? Numerous torches lit up seemingly by themselves, allowing Ben to see after many scary and uncomfortable minutes.

Ben was covered in some kind of salivia or slime. It was very sticky which was not good for Ben considering that it was all over his body. His mouth was shut, his arms were tied behind his back, his legs were forced into a criss-cross position, and his head was stuck looking at the wall.

Ben couldn't move at all. He tried to budge his way out of it, but unfortunately, nothing seemed to work at all.

Ben heard a loud roar coming from the walls. The dirt walls were broken through by... his astronaut team! They came in with guns and more guns! As Ben had his hopes come up, they later went down.

As his team was destroying the giant spider creature, the salivia that was covering Ben started to form over his whole body. It evantually wrapped up Ben like a cocoon.

Unfortunately, his team didn't notice Ben's body, mistaking it as one of the spiders victims. His team then calls out for Ben as the walk out of the hole they created earlier.

As Ben started to cry, not even being able to see or move properly, a part of Ben's cocoon dripped into Ben's mouth, and Ben didn't want to choke, so he drank it. It tastdd horrible, like actual sh*t, but more of it started to drop into his mouth.

Ben knew he was going to be there for a loooong time...

The End...?

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