Plushie Suit

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The person we will be following today goes by the name of Jake Watt. He goes to middle school, around the age of 15, and has the voice of what you would call a 12 year old boy.

However, on this particular day, he gets lost on a field trip. He bumps into many people until he falls into a storage room.

He takes the time to call 911 until he realizes his teacher took all of the phones away. With no way to contact his friends, Jake goes around asking for help.

One person does. They lead Jake to the enterance, and told him he saw a group of kids go into that hallway.

The hallway is dark, and scary, but Jake is not going to give up finding his classmates and teacher. He walks through the hallway with the man who's been helping him following him from behind.

Once they reach a corner, the man grabs Jake by the head and forces a wet towel onto Jake's face. Jake passes out.

He wakes up in a pitch black room. He gets up, and starts to walk around. Confused, scared, and even thinking this could be some funny social experiment...

Jake then feels somethig soft, like a stuffed animal. He realizes he could climb it. He climbs on top of it until he falls into a hole at the top.

He feels softness all around him. He swims back up to see the lights in the room are on. Jake tries to get out of whatever he was trapped in, but his head was the only one that managed to come out.

Jake then realized he was stuck in a giant stuffed animal suit. He tries to get out, but feels his limbs being moved around in the suit by some kind of "magical force."

Weirdly enough, the lights turn off again, leaving Jake in complete darkness. He screams for help, but the head of the suit falls onto him, sealing itself shut somehow.

Jake tries to wiggle around on this suit that is oddly sized enough for him. He then feels needles poke each of his limbs from the inside of the suit.

He feels the drugs forced into him go through his body, making his entire body freeze like stone. Now, he can only look around and breathe.

Jake starts to freak out. He tries to move but he just can't. He tries to close his eyes, trying to at least sleeping through this, or see if this is all some dream.

Jake wakes up again. He's standing up, still in the suit and unable to move. He hears people walking and talking past him.

He then feels himself get wheeled off somewhere. His mask gets taken off of him, and sees he's in a costume store.

He then hears a giant explosion. He can move again! He gets up, and books it out of the store. He then sees someone in front of him get forced down to their knees by a... collar?

Jake gets a collar shot onto his neck too. He gets on all fours and starts panting like a dog. Jake tries to stand up but he cannot. He is thrown into the back of a van by a... dog?

To be continued...

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