Meeting them

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Btw, you replace ava

{Y/n's POV}

It was around 7 am, my alarm was going off to get me up. It sucked. I groaned, finally turning it off as I pulled myself out of bed, going out of my room and realize I don't have any cat food for my pet Johnny, and any cereal for me.

I groaned again, looking over at Johnny "I'm sorry johnny- I'll make sure to get you 2 cans of food this time" he meowed, looking annoyed.

I looked at the calendar, seeing that it was Wednesday, I huffed. Taking the trash bag out of the trash can, I go outside of my apartment, looking up at Jake, the land lord.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" I asked, confusion in my tone. "O-oh you know- just- rent" he said nervously, I smile. Feeling pity for the taller man. "There's better ways to make friends then to come off as creepy Jake," I said, giving him a small smile.

He quickly becomes flustered as I go past him "I've gotta take the trash out, I'll give you the rent later- I'm a little busy" I said, going into the elevator. "Yea- yea that's alright" he replies. I hum as the elevator goes down to the main lobby, once the doors open I happily go outside, going into a ally and to the back. Throwing the bag out, I suddenly feel like I'm being watched.

I slowly turn around, only to find 5 cosplayers. "Hey, are you guys alright?" I ask, worry laced in my voice. They whispered something among themselves, but I couldn't hear what. "Are you guys sick or something or- oh my god are you alright-!" I rushed over to the black hair one, he was lying on the ground. "Your friend isn't breathing!" I say, looking at the other 4.

They glared at me, and I sighed. Crouching over the black hair cosplayer, I began to push against his chest and giving him CPR. The other 4 gasp, and suddenly I was lifted up by the light blue wearing one, I struggled. Kicking against his chest as I tried to make him put me down.

The one lying down, began to cough and stand up. "Oh thank Irene your alright-" I say, he looks at me. Glaring. "Silence." He says, anger in his voice. "Excuse me? I don't know who you think you are but you do not talk to me like that." I say, beginning to get angry myself.

"It's getting angry! Invasive maneuvers" I heard the dark blue wearing one say, the one holding me suddenly pulled a sword out. I gasped, looking at it. The dark blue one spoke again "Peaceful invasive maneuvers!" He said, I was put onto a tree branch. Thankfully, I was tall enough to walk off.

"What the hells wrong with you all! I just saved that one you idiots!" I said, pointing to the black hair one. "He saved prince Asch?" I heard the red head say. "Yes I did! Now why are you guys even back here? The cosplay event is three b-" I was cut off by the Asch one. "Quiet. Your voice is annoying." He said, "no." I replied. The green one looked amazed "shes- denying prince Asch's request-" he said.

I sigh "you can drop the roleplays- I'm not into that" they all looked confused before the dark blue one came up to me. "I aplogize for Asch, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rhys, and we come from another world. We are daemos.* He says, I look at him "your really into this huh, we-" I was again cut off. "I said, QUIET." Asch then made a fireball, shooting it past me and at the tree.

I slowly looked behind me, beginning to shake a little. "Asch! Don't be so reckless with your mag-" the dark blue one got cut off, as I yanked on his horns. Expecting them to come off. They didn't. The others gasped, making a few comments. The light blue one even covered the red heads eyes.

I slowly pulled my hand away, looking shocked. "There- real-?" I then saw how his face has became a light shade of red. I would've thought it was adorable, if I wasn't scared and confused. The blue one then speaks up, "there's a spirit" he says. I look over and see Johnny, "Johnny! How did you get out!" I began to walk twords him, only to be picked up by the dark blue one. "Hey-! What the hell!" I look up at him, as he begins following Johnny.

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