Mr. Steal Yo Phone

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"Goodnight Y/n," Sero spoke sounding edgy.

"Goodnight Sero."

Even though the door was shut, she just stood there. As if she was still looking up at him. Did he always look this upset talking to her? She frowned slightly.

'There you go again, fucking shit up.'

She walked down the hallway to take out the bag of trash, her mind twisted around multiple reasons for her friend's discomfort.

"Hey, Y/n?" A voice coming from the common room broke her concentration. "Which do you think is-"

"Stop," Y/n stared at the green-hair boy and his bi-colored friend. "Here's how this is gonna go. You were just about to ask me to settle some stupid debate of yours, right? So, I'm gonna disregard your question and try to move on with my life, and then your gonna ask me where I'm going. I'll tell you and then you'll look like you just had some fucking epiphany and not tell me. And then you'll try to rush me back into whatever I was doing. Wanna know how I know this? Because I've done it twice al-fucking-ready!" She yelled that last line a bit too loud for it being almost 10:00.

Deku sunk back into the couch. "Well okay, then."

"Where are you going?" Todoroki calmly asked, looking puzzled when she held up a bag of trash. "Already? You are one of the cleanest dorms out of the entire class and you just took your trash out yesterday."

"it's from Sero's room," She walked out of the door and half-yelled into the common room. "His friend and I group did a study session together."

Midoriya's face was clouded with realization, "Oh,"

"There it is!" She stormed back into the building and went straight forward and at a steady rate. "The fucking 'oh'! What is with all of you?"

She walked into the elevator and quickly hit the fifth-floor button. The only thing she needed right now was to watch movies with her best friends. When she went to open the doorknob, it wouldn't budge. She tried again—with more force—but still, nothing.

These assholes locked the door on her.

She warily walked away from the door. She didn't want to interrupt them doing god knows what in there.

She looked over at the elevator but decided to take the stairs down.

'What kind of hero get's winded by going down a few sets of stairs?' She mentally slapped herself.

As luck would have it, Y/n surely felt how tired she was after walking down those stairs. When she got to her floor, she felt like she could pass out right in front of her door, but she decided to have some decency and pass out once she got into her bedroom.

As soon as she felt her body fall onto the bed, her body tried to fall asleep.

Then she heard her door open.

A purple-headed boy waltzed right in like he would his own room and sat on her bed.

"What?" She whined, forcing her eyes open.

"What are you making for breakfast tomorrow?" Shinsou asked.

Her tired/angry eyes met his, "Nothing if you don't get out."

He stood up and walked backward out of the room and shut the door, only to open it again, "You don't actually mean that do you? Because I had a special request—"

"Goodbye, Shinsou."


They were very good friends.

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