Identified Feelings

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Y/n sat at the foot of her bed and gawked at her door. What was wrong with her today? She needed a solid explanation for this feeling. All this tiptoeing around him was getting annoying. Diagnosing them was the only way to get rid of them, or at least embrace them. She recalled the day and rarely blinked while putting all the pieces together. Her eyes widened upon realization.

'Do I like him?'

The thought never even crossed her mind. She had never felt romantic feelings for anyone before. Yet, that conclusion was the only thing she could come up with.

'No way you can form feelings in a day? A second opinion couldn't hurt.' She opened her phone and searched for answers, clicking on a quiz titled, Think your crushing on a friend? Take this quiz to find out!

"Do you ever catch yourself staring at them?"

'Well damn, get right to it I guess.' She clicked, 'All the time!' and continued.

"Are they the first person you call when something happens?"

Y/n sucked her teeth. She usually handles her problems herself, but she has called Sero a few times. She clicked 'Sometimes.'

"Do you try to make them happy?"

'It's nice if I can'

"Do you get jealous if they get a significant other?"

She slumped. Had Sero ever been in a relationship? Surely she would have known. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine the scenario. It made her cringe somewhat.

'Maybe a little'

"Do you try to look nice when you know you're going to be together?"

"Well, since I accidentally flashed him the first time I met him that shouldn't matter that much.'

'Don't really care what I look like.'

"Do you get butterflies if you touch?"

Y/n's face paled at the thought.

'Yes' 'If wanting to crumble away and die counted as butterflies.'

"Do you go out of your way to help this person?"

'Not out of my way, but I help when I can'

"Does anyone ever ask if you're dating?"

'Not often.'

"Do you feel the best when they're around?"

She gave a tiny smirk. 'Yes'

"Does the thought of this person give you butterflies?"


"How often do you think about them?"


"Can you tell them everything?"


"Do you think they have feelings for you?"

Fuck. She hadn't even thought about what would happen if he didn't like her. Y/n shut her phone off and put it on her dresser to collect her thoughts.

'Does he even like me? For a guy as bold as him, he would definitely have told me.'

Y/n left her dorm room and shuffled into the elevator. Questions filled with doubt and insecurity clouded her head. She prayed the fresh night air would soothe her. However, she was met by a classmate, making tea in the kitchen.

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