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I tried my best to stay awake while he read to me, it sounded fascinating. But the words soon became less important than the voice behind them, so delicate, so gentle. He never paused, never stumbled, as if he'd spent his whole life doing this.

I eventually gave in and closed my eyes, laying my head on top of his. His voice began to trail off, and as we laid down together, he pulled the blanket over us. That was the last thing I remember before my mind went under.


A knock on the door was what woke me up. "Percy, lunch is ready."

I opened my eyes again, the light streaming into my eyes. I really shouldn't have sold those curtains, they weren't even worth that much. "Alright, Annabeth. I'll be up in a minute." I tried to sit up, but noticed that Nico's arms were wrapped around me, too tightly to pry off without his cooperation. I tried to shake him awake, but he only groaned a little in his sleep, and I couldn't blame him. He was probably exhausted. "Nico, please, just let me go." I pleaded, knowing he didn't hear me. Defeated, I looked back at Annabeth, who was staring at me like she knew something I didn't. "What?" 

"Nothing, nothing. So... Should I just walk it up here, or...?"

I sighed, trying to lift his arms away in a last effort to free myself from him. "I'll be back, I promise."

Through some kind of miracle, I was able to take his arms off of me and stand up, tucking them back toward himself. Looking back down at him, I couldn't see his face, just a mess of unruly black hair, much longer than my own. Had it ever been cut? I couldn't help but wonder.

I felt so guilty for leaving him, he clearly felt he needed me if he was holding me like that. But I couldn't stay cooped up in my quarters forever. I needed to be with my other friends for a while. So I left, making sure to close the door as gently as I could, so as not to disturb his long-overdue rest. I hoped he'd be alright, his skin was cold to the touch. What if he trips and hits his head on the way to the bathroom or something like that? 

After walking down the stairs, I sat across from Grover, and started on my lunch, a stew of sausage and potatoes. I ate most of it in silence, until he spoke to me.

"You're not talking. Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, trying to focus on him. "No, I'm just... Tired, is all."

"Again?" Grover replied. "I imagine it's from you manning the ship all night. Doesn't it get lonely out there?"

I shrugged. "It's a rotten job, sure, but somebody has make sure we don't veer off course, and it may as well be me. Especially now that my co-captain's paired off." I nudged Annabeth with my elbow.

"Oh, do shut up." She laughed.

"All I'm saying, I'd only expect you and her to be doing what couples do at night."

She smirked at that. "It's none of your business what we do at night."

"I know, I know." I resumed eating, and looked back over to Grover. "So, how's the leg?"

"Still made of wood!"

"Of course. Say... Our guest didn't sleep last night either, only when I was with him." I bit my lip. "Do... Do you think there could be something wrong with him?"

"Wrong with him?" He asked. 

I shrugged again. "I'm scared for him. I don't like to assume things, but... Oh, he's just so frail. He looks like he's been starved, and eats like it too, poor thing. I'm tying myself in knots-..."

He reached over to put a hand on my shoulder. "I understand, it's not easy to care for someone that sickly." His weary brown eyes bored into mine. "But he's in loving hands, and you're welcome to ask my help."

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