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I awoke with the sun pouring in through my eyelids, my body interlocking with that of Thalia's, still asleep. Nimbly, I slipped away from her and stood to get dressed, discarding my nightgown and tugging on a pair of black pants and brown leather boots first, then slipped on a white shirt. I turned around to find her lightning-blue eyes already open. "... How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to see you topless."

I smirked. "Get ready for breakfast, would you?"

She sat up on the bed, grabbing a black coat from the trunk she keeps her clothes in before slipping it on over her nightgown. "There, I'm decent." She then stood up and opened the door, sitting with Grover and Tyson at the table. 

I, however, went up to Percy's quarters, and knocked on his door. "Percy? Are you awake?"

"... Come in." He called, and as I opened the door, I saw him sitting in bed, his arm around who must've been our guest, who shyly waved at me. "What is it?"

"Breakfast is ready. And... Would your new friend like to join us this time?"

"Um... Sure, that would be alright. And my name is Nico." The smaller boy said, in a quiet, slightly nervous voice. I tend to have that effect on people. He looked back up to Percy, smiling. "It'll be nice to meet your friends."

Seeing them in bed together... I almost felt jealous. But no, that's over now. It was good, but now it's over, and I found a new hand to hold. I sighed, stepping away from the door. "Hurry, before it gets cold." I warned, before going back down the stairs to sit at the table.

When they came down to join us, Nico didn't talk much, but that didn't stop Tyson. "You're really short." He commented.

"I'm well aware, thank you." He muttered, not even looking up from his porridge. Tyson started to bombard him with questions, and it wasn't long before everyone else joined in. Why hadn't we seen him before now, where was he from, why was he out in the ocean? That last one earned a glare and a menacing 'that's none of your business' from Percy.

I, however, said nothing, just stared at his necklace, blue-green beads and a shiny copper cross glinting in the sun. I knew I recognized it from somewhere... And then it clicked. 

Once he finished, I took Percy's hand. "I... Have to discuss something with you. In private." He was surprised, but obliged, and I rushed off with him to the broom closet.


 Once inside, I closed the door, making it completely dark. "... Do you remember what that old man said, back at Calypso's tavern? The whole reason we made this little detour?"

"Umm... Something about a wedding, I think."

"A royal wedding, Percy. That was what we interrupted."

"... Oh. Oh, no. You all didn't leave any survivors, I told you not to. That means... That means whatever royalty was on that ship... Is dead now. Because of us. Now there's a target on all of our backs!"

"Relax, relax. You don't know that... Did you notice what Nico was wearing around his neck?"

"I... Well yes, a rosary, he's catholic."

"That's not just any rosary." I explained. "I remember, my father told me he'd designed the thing, even showed me his old sketches. Designed it for the late queen Maria of Rome, while she was pregnant with her second child."

"What, are you accusing him of stealing it?" He asked. "So what if he did? We have no room to talk."

I sighed in exasperation. "No, I'm saying that he might just be her second child."

"... But... That would mean..."

I smirked. "Exactly. And if he is... Imagine what we could do."

"Like what?"

"Well, we could write a letter to his father, saying we have his son... And I'm sure he'll pay anything to have him back."

"No! We're not holding him for ransom!"

I huffed. "We wouldn't have to hurt him, we could just threaten it in the letter. He wouldn't even need to know."

"No, no, we're not doing that. You don't even know if he is the prince."

I shrugged. "There's only one way to find out. Let's get back out there, yeah?"


When we sat back down, Grover seemed to be worried. "You're back, finally. I was waiting for you."

"What did you do back there?" Thalia taunted. "You better not've been unfaithful."

I rolled my eyes and sat back next to her, finishing off my breakfast. "I would never. So Grover, what's eating you?"

"Well, we're starting to run out of supplies. If we don't restock soon, we'll have to break into the hardtack."

Tyson grimaced at that. "What do we do?"

"Don't worry," I cut in, "we're right by the coast, surely we can stop in Cadiz."

Percy's eyes widened. "I... I'm wanted there. Dead or alive, as an escaped convict. Any other suggestions?"

"Are you sure they'll recognize you?" Nico asked. "You've grown into a man since then."

He considered this for a moment. "... Well, at the very least, I'm stronger now. Surely I'll be able to fight them off."

"So it's settled, then?" I asked. 

He nodded. "How long can we expect to be there?"

"Oh, sometime by tomorrow, easily."

"Good. Nico, will you want to come with us?" He asked. "You can stay on the ship, if you want, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to you while I'm gone."

"I... I think I'll be able to tag along." He decided. "For now, though... I really would like to go back to your room. Well, I suppose it's our room for now."

"Of course." He answered, standing up and helping him to stand as well, his arm snaking around the smaller's waist. "See you at lunch, then."

I watched them climb up the stairs, chewing my lip. I almost regretted saying anything, and wondered if he took it to heart. If he did, what he would do about it, if anything at all? They seemed so happy together, and I'd hate to be the cause of its destruction. 

But... He deserves to know, right?

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