data ii.

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a/n: might need a lil editing.

Clark would usually go to Lois for help. When it wasn't something dangerous, he'd just call her up to have coffee with him at a diner and blab all of his feelings out into the air between them and hope that she could answer all of his questions. Though, this time he hesitated to do so. How was she supposed to grasp the situation when he couldn't tell her what had started this entire mess in the first place? 

He glared at his computer, mind trying to come up with creative ways to explain without explaining that he was losing his mind because someone had injected his DNA into their body and grew a damn organ. Yes, it was entirely reasonable to be a little upset, but he wasn't upset. Was he? No, the feeling he was getting was what made this entire thing such a fucking problem.

He's about to start slamming his head into his desk when a newspaper slaps his keyboard and he's met with a picture of him and Bruce on the front.

Bruce is looking at him like he put the fucking sun in the sky and Clark can feel that same weird feeling in his gut that he'd felt all last night. That feeling that wouldn't leave him no matter how hard he tried to mask it with anger.  

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Bruce Wayne?" Lois' voice hisses from above him, "Am I not your best friend?" 

Clark lifts his head up and Lois has always been able to see right through him, but he's not even able to hide it this time as he stares up at her. The faux annoyed look drops from her face and she uncrosses her arm to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. She doesn't say anything in the moment, eyes peering at the other cubicles. Everyone was pretending to be working away, but they both knew better. 

"Tell me everything." she demanded, leaning back in her seat to get a good look at Clark.

"We had a fight." He grumbles, eyes glaring into his coffee. 

"Well, what was it about?" 

He sits for a bit, trying to figure out how to untangle Superman and Batman, the organ, and all of the rest of the alien-related junk from just Clark and Bruce. 

"We-we just had a difference of opinion on what's considered reckless." he mumbles before nudging at the sandwich on his plate. 

"Ah, this about his business ventures? Going into anything with Lex Luthor of all people is risky." she mumbled before a smirk finds its way onto her face, "Clark Kent, is that why you didn't get your quote for Perry? Too busy protecting your billionaire boyfriend?" 

She's cheesing like the cat who caught the mouse and can't help the flush that finds itself reddening the tips of his ears as he focuses on the cold fries on his plate.

Sure, that's what this is about.

"He thinks I'm being overbearing, but I just...I have a feeling, y'know?" 

Lois just nods, smile on her face saying that she was clearly amused at this seemingly new side of Clark.

Diana's waiting for him at the end of the work day, posted up outside the building against the hood of his car as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Lois notices her and Clark can feel her eyes darting over to him without even having to look away.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm friends with you, aren't I?" He says to that accusing stare before glancing back over to Diana.

He gets it. If Lois' deductions were correct, why would Clark be talking to Bruce's ex. Lois had seen Diana with Bruce once at a Christmas party and had been completely perplexed when she'd once against seen her at a New Year's Eve event. Bruce didn't show up to events with the same damsel hanging off his arm. He tended to switch out like expensive suits and obnoxious cars. So, Lois assumed that they were something serious. He gets how it looks after their little talk in the diner, but honestly, if there was anyone who could get through to Bruce, it was Wonder Woman. 

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