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A/N: decided to split this chapter into two. 

Honestly, Clark should've moved out months ago. It'd occurred to him on several different occasions that he should start packing up his apartment. The only thing that kept him from doing so before was the subtle pout on Bruce's lips as his eyes followed Clark through the screen door. Bruce wasn't clingy. He relished his alone time. It was rare for him to get this way, rare for him to openly express that he didn't want Clark to leave. He only got this way when he was wound tight. 

This time it was nesting. Bruce was finally able to and Clark was heading out of town. It took several months to build a house from scratch. Now, it was finally in a phase where Bruce could start executing whatever plan his mind had been cooking up over the last couple of months. It wasn't as if Clark was crucial to the process. Kara was still visiting and, in private, she'd offered to help with the heavy lifting. Clark knew because he'd been the one who put her up to it. Just in case Bruce couldn't wait but was holding off to spare Clark's feelings. Bruce had declined.

In fact, apparently, there was something so disarming about Kara that he'd unabashedly admitted that he wanted Clark specifically. It shouldn't be surprising, Clark being his partner, but this was Bruce. Bruce, who was stubborn, but who also never spoke so plainly in regards to Clark. There always needed to be a logical, sound reason for Clark to be around:

Clark needed help with Luthor. Bruce injected himself with Clark's cells and needed to get to the ship. Bruce needed help keeping the pain at bay. Bruce was pregnant with Clark's baby. 

It was rarely ever just: Bruce wants Clark and refuses to settle for anything but Clark. 

This time there were no excuses, just somber looks as Clark climbed into his truck. 

However, as much as Clark wants to put off his departure, he really can't afford to this time. Clark had made plans that he desperately wanted to keep. 

So, he doesn't waste any time. As soon as he makes it into town, he b-lines it for his apartment. Lois is already upstairs waiting for him. She's leaned up against the door, heeled feet crossed as she watches him make his way up the stairs. She pushes herself off the wall before pulling him into a hug as if they'd never see each other again.

"It's only Smallville Lo'. Plus, I'll pop back in plenty once the baby's here." He reassures her, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

She rolls her eyes as if she doesn't believe him before turning to survey Clark's former, tiny living space. 

"So, how are you gonna do it?" she starts, grabbing the roll of bubble wrap and one of the boxes she'd brought and heading for the framed pictures on one of the shelves. 

"I was thinking over dinner." He answers, grabbing a box of his own and heading for the kitchen. 

"You're not gonna put it in his food, are you? That's a hazard waiting to happen." She says, looking over Clark as if he'd mentioned it. 

"No, I was thinking I'd put the ring box in a wooden box I made and put it next to his sparkling water." He informs her and watches as she frowns. 

"What no grand surprise?" 

"He hates surprises, Lo'. If I try anything more surprising, I'm going to end up sleeping on the couch." 

"Wooden box it is then, but you could at least get him some flowers." 

Bruce is annoyed. 

He's trying his best to keep it at bay, but the delivery service that is supposed to be bringing the fridge to the new house is an hour late. There was something about standing in the house, knowing that he couldn't move anything over a pound or two without Martha casting him a disapproving glance, that was driving him crazy. That mixed with the fact that Clark was off in Metropolis for the day has him irritable.

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