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After breakfast Hades and Dr. Facilier were relaxing in some lounge chairs enjoying the summer breeze while Pain and Panic tried to teach Alona some outdoor games like tag and hide and seek, though they let her do the hiding since she can't count.

"This is the afterlife." Hades said as he put his hands behind his head as he and Facilier both were wearing sunglasses and just enjoying the sunshine.

"You said it." Facilier agreed.

Hades would raise his sunglasses now and then to make sure his minions weren't doing anything really stupid with the kid before going back to relaxing.

"You love that kid don't you." Facilier smirked.

"Don't deny you don't." Hades said back. "It's nice to feel appreciated for once."

"I hear ya." Facilier agreed before getting up. "I'm gonna see if I can find any clues about the identity of these people, I might need it if I'm gonna trick people into thinking they're still alive."

"Won't be too hard." Hades assured. "They were very private people."

Hades stayed out there for another hour until he noticed Alona was getting too hot. He got up and stretched his arms feeling like he was getting the best vacation ever. "Come on boys, she's gotta go in."

The four of them walked into the mansion and Pain and Panic headed straight for the game room. Alona would have joined them but Hades wanted her to drink some water first. Facilier was sitting at the kitchen table with a laptop.

"Hades, where does this child keep the credit cards?"

"I don't know, why?" Hades asked.

"There's this amazing thing called online shopping, we can shop, and literally everything we want gets sent to us." Facilier said. "I'm gonna need credit cards to get them."

"Great, the kid needs some clothes. Come to think of it so do we. We're gonna need food too, and I'm thinking we can sell some of the useless stuff around here. The kid should probably get some toys too, she's way behind on her development."

Alona found her mom's purse and handed Facilier the credit cards.

"Thank you my dear." Facilier added all the things he put in the cart. "Sadly it's gonna take over a week to get all this stuff."

"Weeks?" Hades frowned.

"It has to be delivered and billions of people do this online shopping no doubt." Facilier explained.

"Great." Hades sighed.

Facilier looked back at Alona and frowned at how sweaty and dirty she is from playing outside. "She needs a bath Hades."

Hades groaned again before looking down at her. "Can she do that by herself?"

"I don't know." Facilier shrugged. "I don't remember being seven, do you?"

"I'm in my thousands, of course I don't." Hades snapped.


Hades actually grinned as he saw who came in. "Hey, Crazy De Vil."

"Welcome Cruella." Facilier charmed her as he took her hand and kissed it. "You couldn't have come at a more perfect time."

"Well I'm glad to be here." Cruella smiled back. "By the way where am I? And what am I doing here?"

"We don't have an answer for that." Facilier explained. "But we do need your help."

"Yeah we do." Hades agreed as he picked up Alona from under her arms. "This kid needs some new threads like now."

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