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"So we'll celebrate her birthday and worry about the song later." Hades told Facilier and Hook. "I mean that witch, angel, or flying nutjob whatever the heck she was said she'll have it all handled right? This is Alona's very first birthday party."

"Yes, but we can't wait too long. Alona's new songs could be worth millions." Facilier reminded him. "With all the money we need for food and clothes for ourselves as well as her. Not to mention the bills, we can not lose this deal."

"Just seems like too much pressure for a kid." Hades said.

"No, her mother gave her too much pressure by starving her, we'll all be there to support her Hades, you know that."

"He's right." Hook agreed. "If we wanna continue this lifestyle we must keep the budget steady and with every single villain here now and none of them choosing to leave we must make sure we all use it smart."

They were unaware Alona was by the door and heard everything they said. Alona started walking away, she's come up with songs before but this is different. She's no longer Brat, she's Villain's Child and she wants her new song to be all about her new family.

Soon she was passing many villains' rooms and took a quick peek into some of them.

"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" Queen of Hearts screamed at her hairbrush as it pulled on her hair too hard.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall." Evil Queen smiled to just a regular mirror.

Alona recalled all the stories the villains told her and the wheels started to turn in her head. She quickly got out a notebook she uses for her lessons and turned to a blank page and started writing. Of course, they weren't real words since she didn't know how to spell or read yet but they made sense to her.

"Alona lights out." Hades said but Alona didn't hear him and continued writing. "Oh no, a child of mine into homework." Hades walked over and gently grabbed her arm. "Alona, enough, you don't have class tomorrow and your bedtime was three hours ago."

"Sorry." Alona said. "But can I please finish?"

Hades wanted to say no but he could tell this was important to her and sighed. "Alright, but only because it's your birthday."

"Thank you!" Alona kissed his cheek. "Night dad." Alona went right back to work and didn't notice the completely frozen Hades just staring at her. He slowly backed out of the room and closed her door before putting his back to it. Shun Yu saw Hades just standing there.

"Are you waiting for the child to scream or something?" He asked.

"No." Hades choked out before going into his room and closing the door.

It took Alona two hours but she had a song she was proud of and hoped the villains will love it too.

Kronk got up early to make Alona's birthday cake and his eyes widened when he saw the mountain of presents for Alona.

Slowly one by one every villain came down and saw it too. Each box had one of their names on it. Cruella was the last to come down since she had to get Alona dressed and her hair done. "Make way for the birthday girl!"

Everyone turned to her to see her in her party dress.

"Are these all mine?" Alona asked as she ran to them.

"Oh yeah, open them while we finish breakfast." Facilier told her.

Since Alona couldn't read she just picked random boxes and asked Hades to read them for her.

To everyone's surprise, they were all treasures from their world, things they would have brought home for Alona if they had a choice to go get them.

"I love them!" Alona could tell right away who they were from just by looking at them. Now she had something that would remind her of each of them.

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