Octopus and Dragon

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Gaston walked in with Alona laying in his arm. "I will shoot down any beast that dares to harm this child. Who do you like more child? Me or that beast I told you about?"

Alona pointed to him right away making Gaston grin with pride.

Pain and Panic took Alona out of his arm. "Come on Alona, let's go learn a new game."

Alona ran out with them.

"How did you do it?" Cruella asked Hades.

"Pain and Panic shapeshifted themselves to look like Alona's parents so they could tell them they're disowning her. Also, Jafar's staff is more useful than I thought. There won't be any investigation or any of that other stuff, it's now all on paper, I'll be her main guardian but you all can co-sign."

"Seems that child won all of our black hearts." Evil Queen said.

"No one wins hearts like Gaston." Gaston boasted.

"Shut up." Jafar demanded before hitting Gaston's head with his staff.

Later Hades was alone relaxing in the hot tub, some of the stuff they ordered got delivered already like swim trunks so Hades decided that after a long day of tricking people and doing business he could relax.

He heard someone running up to him and he didn't have to open his eyes to recognize the tiny footsteps. "Don't run Alona, you could get hurt."

Alona climbed over and sat on the edge of the hot tub. "I have to give Gaston a room and then Jafar said I have to go to bed."

"How long was I in here?" Hades wondered.

"Jafar said you're my guardian now, what's a guardian?" She asked curiously.

"Are you just stalling to stay up past your bedtime?" Hades smirked. "Anyway a guardian is someone that keeps a kid under their watch. Means you're stuck with me kid."

"I thought you were that since you got here." Alona told him.

"Yeah but now this time it means nothing can take you away from me." Hades said. "I'll make sure of it, now get to bed."

Hades smug face turned into a shocked one when Alona kissed him on the cheek before she ran back into the mansion. "That kid will be the death of me."

The next morning the imps burst into Hades room freaking out. "Boss! We can't find the kid!!"

Hades groaned as he rubbed his eyes and got up. "This house is huge boys, of course, it will take forever to find her. Maybe we can put a tracker on her or something." As Hades teleported from room to room and asked the other villains if they'd seen her they were all starting to get worried too. "We've checked everywhere, the only room that's left is...."

"THE POOL!!" Everyone screamed at once before they all ran to the pool and slammed the door open.

"That's it, you're doing so good sweetums."

"Ursula?" Faciliar raised his brow as he saw Ursula who was using her tentacles to keep Alona above the water while she tried to swim.

"Oh hello fellow villains." She waved. "I don't know what happened, one minute I'm in the ocean then next I'm in this strange little ocean and this child came in and offered me a room."

"Oh good, Alona tried on the swimsuit I made her." Cruella smiled.

"She told me she doesn't know how to swim so I decided to teach her, what a breath of seawater she is. So sweet I could just eat her up." Ursula said gently squeezing Alona's face making her giggle.

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