Chapter 8

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[A/n: I will probably update again later today

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[A/n: I will probably update again later today. I feel like this is the longest chapter I ever made in the book.]

                                    Y/n POV:

The two apes climbed down the tree.

Mini Time Skip~

I was getting ready to go sleep but, there was a bright light that came out from the sky. It crashed close to where all the apes were sleeping. All the apes started to make nose after the bright light hit somewhere in the woods in the sanctuary. I looked at George and he looked at me.  We went and investigate.

   I stood a couple inches away from George back. There was a big hole and in the middle there was something that looked like a human invention. It looked like a metal box. George touched it cautiously and some green air came out of t and it sprayed in  our faces.

I shook my head because of the terrible smell it has and growled. I heard George roared and we looked each other dead in the eyes.

A few minutes later George decided to go in the Grizzly enclosure. I was walking a feet behind George. I heard a bush rustle, it sounded like the wind so, I didn't think about it much.  Out of no where a Grizzly jumped out of the bushes. I jumped out the way.

   It saw me first and smaller so it started to attack me. I tried my best to get it to stop. It dug it's claws in my arm. George jumped in and throw throw the Grizzly. The Grizzly clawed George on his chest leaving behind 4 claw marks. George roared in pain, grabbed the Grizzly by it's neck and snapped it.

All could be heard are me and George's breath. George came to me a looked for any injuries. "We will rest and when morning comes we will try to get healed." He signed. We went inside the cave that was nearby. When morning arrived we still sat in the cave.

I was snuggled up to George holding my wound. I heard a door open and then closed. There was walking then, it stopped. "Jesus." Davis say. George made a growl of pain. I grunted softly.

(377 words)

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